Popcorn ceiling?

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wear a mask.

One like this?

Popcorn ceiling?
Just smash holes in the ceiling to find the joists then mate don't worry about the kid.At least youll save £29 :RpS_thumbup:You might get sued, but don't worry about that either :RpS_wink:Yeah, that's really helpful...
Its banter pal!
You've obviously got no experience with asbestos I have & I know people that have been sued for ripping down an artex ceiling that the customer knew had asbestos in it.
So was warning you at the start of this thread when I said about do a test but if you want to save the £29 it's up to you.
Crack on & good luck!
wasn't trying to save 29 quid, was exploring other options, for instance if it is asbestos and the thing to do is overboard, may aswell overboard without the test... I don't have experience with asbestos, thats why I'm asking...
I think it's definity worth doing the test. If the client wont pay for it dont do the job, you dont want your first job to be the one that kills you.:RpS_thumbdn:
What happens next if it is asbestos, does it HAVE to be removed? or is overboarding a correct way of delaing with it?
wasn't trying to save 29 quid, was exploring other options, for instance if it is asbestos and the thing to do is overboard, may aswell overboard without the test... I don't have experience with asbestos, thats why I'm asking...

If you overboard it you will need to find the joists so you will have to disturb the ceiling at some stage.
It's worth getting a test then if it's negative you can overboard with no worries.
Also if it's like the ceiling in that video you could scrape it all off then pva it & skim.
What happens next if it is asbestos, does it HAVE to be removed? or is overboarding a correct way of delaing with it?

If the test is positive it would have to be removed by licensed contractors which isn't cheap.
If the test is positive it would have to be removed by licensed contractors which isn't cheap.
its damn expensive and they sheet everywhere down mind u they clean up pretty well after them selves do them asbestos blokes lol
the asbestos is just in the artex I take it, and that's only a problem if it gets airborne.

get some bonding agent, that'll bond it to the substrate, come back the next day and skim it or bond and skim it if it's uneven.

wots wrong widya?
Shut up twitch you aint gotta clue ave u i was breathing in asbestos in all week and i stillllll got a bran mmcjjjjjjjsdhjnvjnmjdc cow bell more.
Tell your mate to get a plasterer to do it , its obviously to much for you as you have very little experience. stick to the straight forward stuff , with time comes experience.
its ace in here :RpS_lol:

was it a catering collage you attended?

just mix some butter up, skim that on it and seal it with a kiss :RpS_thumbsup:
What a tosser i hope the ceiling caves in and knocks some sense in ya just overboard it and skim or else do one
its a £80 job to skim a very small ceiling!! whats with all the questions? jesus just PVA it and skim it ffs
time to lock it and we can move on to the next idiot:RpS_wink:

anyway anyone know of any new films i can down:RpS_thumbup:load?
wasn't trying to save 29 quid, was exploring other options, for instance if it is asbestos and the thing to do is overboard, may aswell overboard without the test... I don't have experience with asbestos, thats why I'm asking...
so you shouldnt be doing the job then should you, did you just go to college or did you do an apprenticeship, i mean this is pretty basic stuff, i think you have wasted your time trying to be a tradesman, read all the posts and your talking to real time served plasterers who hate cowboys and courses, no wonder their is so many shite spreads out their.
so no one else here had questions to ask wen they first started then??
to the OP if your worried bout asbestos then just give it a coat of bonding agent, float it out with bonding and skim it, dnt worry bout the architrave running along the top its only a small room once its full of furniture you wnt even notice the few mm difference you've bought it down by.
you also wnt bring the ceiling line down as much as you would if you over boarded it or be disturbing any nasties the artex might contain
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