Hi all,looked at a job today.3 newly built brick chimneys back in august.House owners started noticing damp areas in the ceiling and upon investigation it seems the chimneys are extremely porous and a savage amount of water is coming in through the chimneys.An engineer was called and his report was that the wrong bricks were used"they were too porous.There are 2 lead trays in place where they are meant to be with weep holes.Engineer had no issue with the lead trays or soakers/flashing.Pictures were taken by the bricky at different stages of the project and all seems above board.Bricky was called back to look at the problem and accepted responsibility and gave the money he had earned for the job back.Now house owners want the chimneys plastered.I have two options 1 is to rendaid,scratch and finish with traditional s&c and option 2 is aquapanel fixed on with acrylic mushroom fixings and thin coat render system.My opinion is that either of these are good solutions to the problem but which would be the better 1 to go for.I really don't want to have a call back like the bricky