Pricing Work..

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Pricing Work..

That's a job from a few week ago haven't really taken any pictures till recently been boarding a ceiling all day so when I board the whole room I'll take more..
lol I have never understood this...

I had a painter mate that would charge £85 a day and I was like why... his response... I have only been doing it a few years... I was like.... do you tell the customer you have never met you have only been doing it for 5 minutes so I will charge you 2 conkers and a frog???? I fricken never did.... I boshed on as much as I could whether I could do the job myself or not... then if I felt i was not up to it get a spread in to help me do it...

Even as a labourer I was on £40 a day...

Yes if its friends and I mean real friends you do favours but I rather sit at home and watch telly tubbies than bust my nuts on a lid....
I get it that's the reason I made this post I priced a job today and charged as much as I thought was possible for the job and got it thanks to some advice on here and I won't be going so low again...
Still doesn't explain why it's £30 a day but £45 for a lid which takes less than a day
I get it that's the reason I made this post I priced a job today and charged as much as I thought was possible for the job and got it thanks to some advice on here and I won't be going so low again...

Cheques made payable to The Plasterers Forum :RpS_thumbsup:
You want to be charging no less than £80 wether your any good or you've just started out, at your prices your always gonna be busy even I would give you a job at that wage, coz you could hold a trowel. 4 years is 3 years more than most people on here giving advise ;)
Well said something before but I'll say it again I'm not charging for work but when I do, I'm not busting a hump for less than I would get working at Poundstretcher. Regardless, as was said, of how talented you are. If you are working you are doing it for a minimum of £6 an hour (and most say train for 3 years and you are there you are saying you've done it for I mean what is going on~?).

I'd work for a plasterer for free but the difference is I'm not working for nothing, I'm working for my education at the minute you are acting detrimentally to the trade if you are working for peanuts for something you've worked 4 years for. If you are out on your own...its been said man sort it out. Glad to hear you got a higher price. keep it up.

(minor addendum)

Would you work for £30 a day after 4 years training for Argos? Would you train for 3 years shovelling **** or working at Asda for £30 a day? Just how **** is plastering that you can train for 4 years but still not consider yourself worth £150 a day. I am 32, if I've got to go till I'm 36 before I get to £40 a day well fortunately I know the hangmans knot if someone can lend me a thick bit of rope....
Lots of reasons... I dont banmany people think its been less than 10 in the 7 years of TPF being about :-/
Call up some local plasters get them to come to your house. Ask them to quote for plastering a room.take the average of 3 quotes and then you will have a good idear of where you stand. Then plaster the room yourself to see how long it takes you.
madness that, £120 a day minimum but that is what experienced plasterers would charge who are confident in what theyre dealing with, excluding materials
I think you all need to cut the kid some slack if you got nothing positive to say don't reply, a good start would be 100 a day gives you a basic salary then slowly up your price, or charge a metre I get £8m2 in Scotland with supply Wales is less try £6
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