Primer for lead flashing and sand and cement.

hail hail

Private Member
Filling in valleys on a roof with concrete tiles and lead. I did a job 6 years ago however the sand and cement has blown off abit. I'm going to redo it however is there a primer for lead flashing that can take sand and cement instead if it seperating. Would sbr do or is there other primer for this?
Dont sand an cement straight on the lead mate expansion can make it split you need the cement under cloak on first so it sep an use grit sand if you can its stronger with a bit of sbr in the mix
Dont sand an cement straight on the lead mate expansion can make it split you need the cement under cloak on first so it sep an use grit sand if you can its stronger with a bit of sbr in the mix

Are they not for verges instead of valley's? Haven't filled many but this one broke away. Large enough to fill between them. Last time I did it in one go. Maybe scratch it first then fill with second coat.