Problem collecting payment

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New Member
Been doing this for a little while and have had my fair share of people trying to avoid paying the full bill, or repeatedly calling back with tiny issues. but this time I have a guy who wont pay a penny, and is trying to invoice me for a different plasterer (made up) who has had to finish the job.

quick story, job was 3 walls, 1 ceiling, 1 recess, and lots of patching.....I hate patching and normally refuse as customers are never happy despite the warnings, but he didn't want to pay for walls so settled to patch and put warning in writing to make it clear. he said he was putting up lining paper. now he says he's painting and he can see the patches. he wont let us back in to look/fix it at it and wont pay

Any suggestions

Hi Gav
robospread here. What )!""rse holes.
Its worth checking with citizens advice but im pretty sure that by law you are entitled the opportuny to put it right.
Also I dont know if you already do it but it is worth prepare a contract just something brief that you and the customer agree on this will stand you in good stead.
with any bigger/complicated job I always do a full itemised quote, line by line with a price for each section, so i can get payment for any completed work, but nothing about payment.....that will change...

Mine detail evrything I've quoted for including warnings etc. Also states anything not listed will cost more.

Go speak to CB but whatever you do keep a written log of your actions and try to do it by letter. People will allege all sorts and if they claim you've threatened them or some sort you could be on to a loser.

Send one stating the situation and if you're not paid you'll seek legal recourse.
Next step is Solicitors letter (does the world of good and costs about £30.)
After that its the civil courts really.

Good luck
Hmmm, go in a knock it off the wall.

I have never been knocked .... yet .....but when I do (its bound to happen) I think I will just say yep thats fine a walk away ..... then set fire to there car....(joke) :-?

But on a serious note I wouldnt waste valuable time chasing it, apply a bit of pressure on them if they say nope just take it on the chin you dont want to give yourself a reputation.

not had this problem yet thank god, as i dont know how id react.

pointless taking them to court as it costs so much and its all the hassle etc and they can turn round and pay £1 a week or somthing.

police etc wont be interested.

prob not a good idea for me to post what i would do ;)
but thats the only thing that people seem to understand in theses cases.


bloody annoying.

people always talk about cowboy buuilders etc, also programs about it on tv, but theres never thinga about cowboy customers.

good luck mate.

how does a baseball bat and a tub of vaseline....... sorry i lost the plot for a second there mate. theres nothing better and at the same time nothing worse than customers. what i have laerned over the years is to be nice but harsh, this is your livelyhood and if you have provided a service you need to be paid for it, it is suprising how cheap it is to take someone through the small claims court these days and solicitors letter do work with some people.

on a very serious note once a county court sends the claims form to the person ( and it actually states that he could get a county court judgement) which serously effects there credit for 6 years, its amazing how quickly the money comes. there are 2 ways of looking at things here
1 - fight it and run the risk of losing reputation
2 - throw the towel in and run the risk of being know as a soft touch
in my opinion it all depends on how confident you are of your work mate, personaly i would fight it out of principle. hope it all works out for you.
Also depends how big the bill is too.
I agree about the cost etc but if you went direct to the county court and filed a claim yourself.(not hard) it doesn't cost much at all.
It would probably have the effect of making them pay.
It's Solicitors that cost money so in effect it's a question of how much does he owe you and is it worth the time.

Hmmm baseball bat and vaseline...... I knew a girl once...... :)
Cheers for the help lads. will have a think over the weekend and decide by Monday how to deal with this lovely little man. might just try to get a lower amount out of him.....of course I do still have a key to his front door ;)
if you still get problems spread his name and address around to other trades etc...

and you still got key? ohhh ;D
when hes at work change the locks lol
On a serious note, when he is out and get a few mates in to knock off what you have done as I beleive he has not paid you yet so he does not own the plaster!!

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