
I was brought up labour,all my family are labour..90% of them dont work..there are begging for a labour government.. my cousin used to work with me back in labour days..£450 percweek him and his lass was getting for doing absoloute f**k all,I gave him £200 per week cash in hand he was laughing his tits off..Tory came into power his money went down to under £200 per week..he was gutted,hes a delivery driver 4 argos now,he had no choice but to get a job..I'm a working man never claimed a penny from government..labour are 4 the drebs of society who cant and dont want to work..its a fact..your welcome..back to my bench press :boxeador:

All my family are labour supporters,I'm the only Tory.. 90% of them dont work and dont want to..I was brought up labour,not a chance I'd vote labour now..I've never claimed a penny in my life I work my nuts cousin worked with me 10 years ago he was getting £450 per week him and his bird once tory came to power his money halfed..I was paying him £200 a week he was laughing his tits off..he now works at argos delivery driver the Tories made him get a job he had no choice..cant believe any working man would vote labour,there the party for the drebs of society and the it isnt fair people are on loads of money..theres no excuse to not have a job and have goals in life..back to my bench press..your welcome
100 per f**k**g cent
Name one time on this thread somebody has bragged about money!? Its the green eyed monsters that turn it into people bragging about money..could understand if we was posting wads of cash on or pictures of me sat on a bonnet of a supercar..
So why didn't Tories change it? Brexit will do nothing to stop it. Boris is already planning NHS visas as he's not trained enough doctors and nurses. And as mentioned 70% of immigrants come from outside the EU lol and it's going to be even more as trade deals are going to involve freedom of movement
I just cant see how any working man would vote labour..cant get my head around it..
anyone who votes Corbyn must be smoking crack,I know f**k all about politics but know that stupid cannnnt can’t run this country we’d be more f**k*d then we already r
Dear Deirdre,
I am a crack dealer in Luton who has recently been diagnosed as a carrier of HIV virus.
My parents live in Bedford and one of my sisters, who lives in Milton Keynes, is married to a transvestite.
My father and mother have recently been arrested for growing and selling cannabis. They are financially dependent on my other two sisters, one of whom is 51 and lives in in London with her runaway 15 year old boyfriend, and the other has a lifetime ban on keeping pets following a number of 'incidents'.
I have two brothers, one is currently serving a non-parole life sentence in Wormwood Scrubs for the murder of a teenage boy in 1994. My other brother is currently in prison awaiting charges of sexual misconduct with his three children.
I have recently become engaged to marry a former prostitute who lives in Dunstable. She is a part time "working girl".
All things considered, my problem is this. I love my fiancée and look forward to bringing her into the family. I certainly want to be totally open and honest with her.
Should I tell her about my cousin, who is a Jeremy Corbyn supporter?
Worried About My Reputation
anyone who votes Corbyn must be smoking crack,I know f**k all about politics but know that stupid cannnnt can’t run this country we’d be more f**k*d then we already r
"I know f**k all about politics" join the rest of them pal lol


  • Property
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It’s not that easy , they will hit u for tax either way , don’t think putting it in a ltd company yiur gonna escape anything

I already am considerably better off putting it all in a Ltd company. I am only taxed on profits and the mortgage is counted as a cost... if you own property privately you have to pay tax on all of the income and not offset the mortgage costs....

There are plenty of other perks as well :)
I already am considerably better off putting it all in a Ltd company. I am only taxed on profits and the mortgage is counted as a cost... if you own property privately you have to pay tax on all of the income and not offset the mortgage costs....

There are plenty of other perks as well :)
How about when you come to sell?
How about when you come to sell?

If I need to sell then I would sell the company and not the property.... as the company owns the property.

The buyers would then not pay stamp duty either... reality is though that the company will always be in debt to myself so wont get charged corp tax.... and the capital gains tax wont (I beleive) apply....

I have no intention on selling and no real need to
If I need to sell then I would sell the company and not the property.... as the company owns the property.

The buyers would then not pay stamp duty either... reality is though that the company will always be in debt to myself so wont get charged corp tax.... and the capital gains tax wont (I beleive) apply....

I have no intention on selling and no real need to
I spoke to my accountants a while back , I’m sure if I remember correctly they get you one way or the other , but you know best
If I need to sell then I would sell the company and not the property.... as the company owns the property.

The buyers would then not pay stamp duty either... reality is though that the company will always be in debt to myself so wont get charged corp tax.... and the capital gains tax wont (I beleive) apply....

I have no intention on selling and no real need to
I spoke to my accountants a while back , I’m sure if I remember correctly they get you one way or the other , but you know best

I spoke with the accountant about all this last year. He said that unless you're well into double figures with properties putting them into a Ltd Co is a bad idea. Firstly the 'savings' aren't there to justify it, and secondly when the tax rules change again as they inevitably will (they've done so every few elections) you will be hammered when you take them out of the Ltd Co.

No disrespect to anyone on here, but you wouldn't ask a bricky how to fit a boiler, or a carpenter how to apply render. So surely you'd be better taking advice from a qualified accountant, financial adviser or mortgage broker on property finance, rather than some random on a plasterer's forum?

I spoke with the accountant about all this last year. He said that unless you're well into double figures with properties putting them into a Ltd Co is a bad idea. Firstly the 'savings' aren't there to justify it, and secondly when the tax rules change again as they inevitably will (they've done so every few elections) you will be hammered when you take them out of the Ltd Co.

No disrespect to anyone on here, but you wouldn't ask a bricky how to fit a boiler, or a carpenter how to apply render. So surely you'd be better taking advice from a qualified accountant, financial adviser or mortgage broker on property finance, rather than some random on a plasterer's forum?

I spoke with the accountant about all this last year. He said that unless you're well into double figures with properties putting them into a Ltd Co is a bad idea. Firstly the 'savings' aren't there to justify it, and secondly when the tax rules change again as they inevitably will (they've done so every few elections) you will be hammered when you take them out of the Ltd Co.

No disrespect to anyone on here, but you wouldn't ask a bricky how to fit a boiler, or a carpenter how to apply render. So surely you'd be better taking advice from a qualified accountant, financial adviser or mortgage broker on property finance, rather than some random on a plasterer's forum?

agree 100% with this though. I was lucky enough and still am to work for a few developers.2 of which are big time. Learnt loads from them just from chatting.
agree 100% with this though. I was lucky enough and still am to work for a few developers.2 of which are big time. Learnt loads from them just from chatting.

Absolutely, you can pick up all sorts of tips and useful info from talking to people who've done something. But when you've got your balls hanging in the wind with six figure sums at risk you need to get the basic strategy from someone who is a professional in such matters. You can then tweak your plan with your own ideas and the tips you've picked up.

I know more people who've come badly unstuck or barely made wages with property 'investing' than those who've made good money.

Flipping for example just isn't viable to make a living from currently.
I rented aflat out for several years . Its not easy. Constant maintenance. Washing machinefloods.boiler.electrics. new carpet.painting.ect. had a drug addict in .he paid rent ok. Nightmare girls. Letting agents r all conts. Only peace I had was when it was empty then I had to repaint it . One girl I chucked out .the ex boyfriend rang me said he'd meet me there and batter me . He never turned up . Life's to sort enjoy wot you've got.


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