Well I've heard a lot of heads on the machines are being broken because of the knock off ones and our head looks like it's been slightly damaged because of the shaft. They aren't even the same length and leave a lot of dry powder inside then can twist and bend the shaft completely also damaging where head drops on to the shaft. The knock off twister just sent the material out like water yet as soon as we change to a ptf one it was great again.
It's the price of all the original parts that put people off for something that you need to replace quite regularly. I never knew about the soft stator as there's not much information about what each different one does. You learn something new everyday with these machines lol
If I am being brutally honest, I think whoever has told you this is offering awful advise and its a desperate/drastic marketing technique!
There are many manufacturers of machines worldwide, many of which by their R/S from Germany (not PFT) and many who make their own.
Many of these companies have their own version of the G4/G5 - such as M-tec, Kaleta, our own EZE, Mai, Utiform and many more. Majority of these use the exact same top motor and mixing mechanisms - none of these other bands use PFT R/S, Hauling brackets or even Mixing Shafts and they also dont have any issues with 'heads' breaking. Im not disputing the fact PFT machines and parts are high quality and very good, so please dont think that
I'm sorry, but I think whoever is giving you this information if just saying it to make sure you buy their own product. In all my years of dealing with machines and also dealing with many of the worldwide leading manufacturers I only ever hear these comments made by a certain brand dealer
Stick PFT, Utiform, Putzmeister, Mixer or any other make of R/S/Mixing Shaft on our EZE Machines and you wont have an issue, use our own EZE parts and you wont have an issue. If other parts are breaking heads on certain machines and they believe this is true, I would advise them to look at the strength of their own products as there isn't an issue with anyone else as I'm also confident, there isn't with theirs