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Nothing worse than a dry up . Was part of the reason I went full time gives me a guarantee wage every month and then pick and choose my own homers after that . But that can be a pain in the arse working nights then weekends feel for you guys when you hit a dry patch nothing worse.
That would be difficult though, I'm not sure I could get a job paying 40+ a year if I could I'd be all over it lol.
I've said before I pay just over a grand on the mortgage and 900 a month nursery fees before ought else it's frightening really.
That said we are off to euro disney tomorrow for a week so it's not that bad lol
Took the little girl to Euro Disney last year and would defiantly go back we really enjoyed it.have a good one.:)
Nothing worse than a dry bum, . Was part of the reason I went G**. gives me a guaranteed wage every month and then pick up and choose my own homo's after that . It can be a pain in the arse working nights then weekends. I feel up guys when i hit a dry patch nothing better.

I always find it a bit G** when people call weekend work "homers" when there actually called foreigners.
If your van keeps breaking thats classed as making a balls of investments .... If you buy a old van its only gunna cause problems . The car isnt part of the plastering money , that should come out of wages lol
Yeah I know, just playing devils advocate!
Sometimes no matter what you earn in the good times, for whatever reason, saving doesn't always work out!! Plus past financial 'things' can always make life harder, certainly with regards to newer vans etc!!!! Losing your house doesn't fill lenders with confidence!!!!
We call them "hobbles" here. God knows why? Everyone called them foreigners when I lived in London.
I've always known them as foreigners, unless it's for family when they're referred to as 'love jobs' because get paid sod all for doing them.
Ireland , we call them nixers , bit of cash in hand stuff :)
The name derives from the Latin 'Nix' which translates as 'nothing'

Nixers - whaaaaa?

Irish people have had a healthy disregard to authority for a long time, probably dating to the centuries of English rule. While we have self-governed ourselves for about 80 years now, this attitude continues in many facets of Irish society. You only have to look at the various tribunals still in session to see that it extends from the top (ie, the politicians who should be setting a good example) down. There is still a type of respect given to those who cheat the authorities/government, especially when it comes to paying tax. A nixer is the term for a job done where the bill does not include tax, normally value-added tax. The name derives from the Latin 'Nix' which translates as 'nothing'. Certain smaller firms still keep two accounting books - one which shows tax paid for selective jobs, adding some credibility to their work, and another which shows jobs completed without payment of tax. The Irish tax authorities have clamped down in recent years - one amusing aspect of this 'game' has been the publication in national newspapers of all tax defaulters! Dublin is still rife with nixers and some bright spark has named his website after this practice (the site is legitimate though)!
your all fookin weird everyone from south yorkshire knows that there called "fiddle jobs"....as in ive got a nice little "fiddle job booked in for the wknd!!!" etc...

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