R & S lifespan


Well-Known Member
holding at 6bar on the pressure tester is that it fewked or has it still got some life in it ??

Thanks in advance for your informative replies

Arti xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
holding at 6bar on the pressure tester is that it fewked or has it still got some life in it ??

Thanks in advance for your informative replies

Arti xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Is it holding at 6 when u stop the paddole spinning
I bought a new soft r@s and it was only holding 5. Got a s**t load of ocr out of it. I don' think the soft one holds 10 bar as iv pressure tested 3 different new ones and never hold 10 bar. On less my pressure tester don't work. But it's been like that since the day I got it. As it was a soft r@s I frist used it on and got 5 bar. @PFTwales does the soft one not hold 10 bar.
I bought a new soft r@s and it was only holding 5. Got a s**t load of ocr out of it. I don' think the soft one holds 10 bar as iv pressure tested 3 different new ones and never hold 10 bar. On less my pressure tester don't work. But it's been like that since the day I got it. As it was a soft r@s I frist used it on and got 5 bar. @PFTwales does the soft one not hold 10 bar.
What's the benefit of a soft R &S??
soft stator lets aggresive and difficult to mix materials flow through with ease. ive not tested a new one but TBF with the ritmo l the pump just starts going slower and slower which you will notice by you having to turn the water down to compensate.
Most soft stators are getting 25-30 ton through them
They went though my soft r@s I s**t u not. They pop the cap off and where in the cap.
R & S lifespan