Private Member
What radios do u lot have. Need a battery one but f**k paying 200 quid for a radio battery and charger
Had one of them about 7 years. No problems whatsoever. Uses C batteries and can recharge rechargeables. Water proof, dust proof, great sound.Link Removed
I've got a makita
Wicked radio and to make it even better I got it for free from howdens when I opened my account there
There's nothing wrong with Punjabi fm ffs
Al second that , same thing for me and i never spent anything there barr one roll of roll and stroll lol and it was on offer haha
Allah akbar!The neighbours are getting fed up with the imam wailing at 07:00 though.
I got one free too. The young lad asked if i wanted to buy anything to get the account going and i just said no thanks and walked out with my radio lol
what are they like rossi, looks ideal for me, I want one ,want one now now I say , getting excited now ,Link Removed