calm down
If its miles bumpy then bond out the bumps and reskim
Any time Quicker the better
i will tell him wot i want 2 tell him. andy after all its my comment so ....u dont even try n tell me wit 2 say cleeky.or what man yur takin 2 a glesga bhoy not an essex boy
why dont u call yur self jesus m8 as you seem 2 think u know it used 2 taking about work in the pub man 2 man not on a screen.and wit bollucs are u talking about.exatly.
rit andy its a good plastering forom.i know ur a decent spread.rit a think its went a bit 2 far over something silly.ok ma be i was making it complicated.iv just found the forom m8 i like it so lets just forget about it and move on wit do ya think.
Has d*m**o moved to Glesga??
Bubbles...where do you get those animations from mate ??
Na , hes boozing it up with Niclas in Kent !!