
Good to know that your optimistic
not sure what part you have trouble coming to grips with steven,so i will write this slowly so you can read it at your leisure,
the governor of the bank of england,one of the most important men in the country,a man who when he makes a statement stock markets echo in there ferocity with whatever he has to say,a man who behind the scenes speaks to chief executives/chaiman of companies on a regular ,at times daily basis, you wondering what he has said ,thinking to yourself ,but no something has passed you ,never mind hector is here this is what the governor said, ...roll of drums,ready stevie
THE BIGGEST RECESSION EVER IS UPON US,........a nightmare has landed steven.
and the other news story which has painfully escaped your attention is this virus,the best scientists the world over/with the best facilities/money no object, have said IF WE GET LUCKY i repeat IF WE GET LUCKY a vaccine is 12/18 months away, BORIS JOHNSON who is our prime minister by the way,has said today there may never be a vaccine
this virus is mutating and getting stronger all the time, we can not find a vaccine for current virus never mind no.2 virus
I really don’t think the government are interested in a vaccine. They can see the virus disappearing. I’m enjoy reading your comments though Professor Hectic :inocente:
not sure what part you have trouble coming to grips with steven,so i will write this slowly so you can read it at your leisure,
the governor of the bank of england,one of the most important men in the country,a man who when he makes a statement stock markets echo in there ferocity with whatever he has to say,a man who behind the scenes speaks to chief executives/chaiman of companies on a regular ,at times daily basis, you wondering what he has said ,thinking to yourself ,but no something has passed you ,never mind hector is here this is what the governor said, ...roll of drums,ready stevie
THE BIGGEST RECESSION EVER IS UPON US,........a nightmare has landed steven.
and the other news story which has painfully escaped your attention is this virus,the best scientists the world over/with the best facilities/money no object, have said IF WE GET LUCKY i repeat IF WE GET LUCKY a vaccine is 12/18 months away, BORIS JOHNSON who is our prime minister by the way,has said today there may never be a vaccine
You’re over complicating life, I’ll make it easy for you the priorities of life are as follows;
1. Shelter/ warmth
2. Water
3. Food
4. Love / family
All the other b*ll***s cars, fashion, holidays etc are none essential
Cheer up don’t be so doom and gloom
You’re over complicating life, I’ll make it easy for you the priorities of life are as follows;
1. Shelter/ warmth
2. Water
3. Food
4. Love / family
All the other b*ll***s cars, fashion, holidays etc are none essential
Cheer up don’t be so doom and gloom
great reply steven,agree with every word,......but just trying in my own annoying way to point out how serious the situation is
They are still working to herd immunity they arnt going to come out and say it, but that’s it. Saying 10-15% have had it already and shown asymptotic and not even know it.
Coronavirus could 'burn out naturally' so vaccine not needed, former WHO director claims

This guy says evidence points to this already happening.

Didn’t Trump say the virus would disappear in the warmer weather? Gone, gone. He said. :maraca: :bailando:
There's possibly an element of truth in that, it could be why its stayed fairly stagnant in warmer countries such as in Africa, and not been the mass amounts as predicted.
1.this R measurement they use is steadily creeping upwards again,the lockdown will return . vaccine or cure in sight,
3.only a matter of time before sites close down,
4.metal illness/depression/ is steadily rising more .
5.cinemas/pubs these buisnessess rely on as many people as possible visiting them,how can they possibly survive when less people ,because of social distancing do not go,there oncosts staff wages/rates etc will be the same but with much less money coming in.
6.biggest recession ever says the bank of england governor is upon us,this is a man who behind the scenes will be in close daily contact with chief executives/directors of companies,he will have a nightmare vision of what is ahead,i say again biggest recession ever says the bank of england governor,despite our difference of opinion how can anybody argue with that statement. diggers announced large redundencies on friday,british airways/virgin,/high street department stores are making plans,these redundincies will eventually filter down to the building industry,large building companies are not exempt ,sadly some will go.
8.wearing of face masks/social distancing/queues outside supermarkets are here for years to come.
9.children will be affected ,cant go out to play/no school freinds/missing out on learning reading,writing/too young to understand what is going on.
No vaccination your rhight. But this antibody test is going to be a game changer I bet you half of us have Had it then we can start moving again
No vaccination your rhight. But this antibody test is going to be a game changer I bet you half of us have Had it then we can start moving again
well i wish i could be positive about it carys,.but ,tried, just can not see anything on the horizon,in deed cant see anything beyond the horizon,but hope you are right
You’re over complicating life, I’ll make it easy for you the priorities of life are as follows;
1. Shelter/ warmth
2. Water
3. Food
4. Love / family
All the other b*ll***s cars, fashion, holidays etc are none essential
Cheer up don’t be so doom and gloom


  • Recession
    35.6 KB · Views: 163
well i wish i could be positive about it carys,.but ,tried, just can not see anything on the horizon,in deed cant see anything beyond the horizon,but hope you are right
I think they have started selling antibody test 70 90 pound that money making. The question is how aqurate the test are. And if the virus is hear before Christmas we're bound to be near a herd ummeniti to stop spread. Time will tell!
You’re over complicating life, I’ll make it easy for you the priorities of life are as follows;
1. Shelter/ warmth
2. Water
3. Food
4. Love / family
All the other b*ll***s cars, fashion, holidays etc are none essential
Cheer up don’t be so doom and gloom
There might be a recession coming but its different to the previous ones because this was out of anyone's control even if you dont have any work I cant see anyone having there house taken off them for a while might not have any luxuries for a few years but s**t happens. i say out off any ones control could have been handled alot better by the government.cant fault tories for financially supporting country but they f**k*d up regarding lockdown and stopping the spread.
There might be a recession coming but its different to the previous ones because this was out of anyone's control even if you dont have any work I cant see anyone having there house taken off them for a while might not have any luxuries for a few years but s**t happens. i say out off any ones control could have been handled alot better by the government.cant fault tories for financially supporting country but they f**k*d up regarding lockdown and stopping the spread.
I agree, I have been having a lockdown sort out and have started to get rid of everything that is not necessary, which is almost everthing I own.
If it is not stunningly beautiful, edible or practically useful it has to go. poor old dog was with me for twelve years but served no purpose, shame really.
not sure what part you have trouble coming to grips with steven,so i will write this slowly so you can read it at your leisure,
the governor of the bank of england,one of the most important men in the country,a man who when he makes a statement stock markets echo in there ferocity with whatever he has to say,a man who behind the scenes speaks to chief executives/chaiman of companies on a regular ,at times daily basis, you wondering what he has said ,thinking to yourself ,but no something has passed you ,never mind hector is here this is what the governor said, ...roll of drums,ready stevie
THE BIGGEST RECESSION EVER IS UPON US,........a nightmare has landed steven.
and the other news story which has painfully escaped your attention is this virus,the best scientists the world over/with the best facilities/money no object, have said IF WE GET LUCKY i repeat IF WE GET LUCKY a vaccine is 12/18 months away, BORIS JOHNSON who is our prime minister by the way,has said today there may never be a vaccine
you panicking mate?
when the going gets tough... the tough dont listen to the bollox they just get on with it...
youre just one of a million or more people worried about change...
change is what made this country great my friend...
get youre f**k**g s**t together and stop moaning
youll be fine
you panicking mate?
when the going gets tough... the tough dont listen to the bollox they just get on with it...
youre just one of a million or more people worried about change...
change is what made this country great my friend...
get youre f**k**g s**t together and stop moaning
youll be fine
no certainly not panicing chris,dont do panic ,just fetching some realism to this forum,
To busy to think about recession! Gonna be scorching today :cool: Don’t forget your sun cream skin cancer is more common than you think(y)
Take the worst possible outcome/scenario that's being suggested, then look at the best possible outcome/scenario that's been suggested. I guarantee with absolute certainty that it will be neither as it'll be somewhere in between. How do I know this? Because it always is, for every recession, natural disaster, political upheaval, war, whatever.

Plus as @owls pointed out, there's precisely fcuk all you can do about it so there's no point stressing over it.
Take the worst possible outcome/scenario that's being suggested, then look at the best possible outcome/scenario that's been suggested. I guarantee with absolute certainty that it will be neither as it'll be somewhere in between. How do I know this? Because it always is, for every recession, natural disaster, political upheaval, war, whatever.

Plus as @owls pointed out, there's precisely fcuk all you can do about it so there's no point stressing over it.
This lockdown needs to come to an end, isolate the vulnerable and get the majority back to work, and functioning to some sort of normality.
This lockdown needs to come to an end, isolate the vulnerable and get the majority back to work, and functioning to some sort of normality.
if this r value goes up to 1.0 and above,the lockdown will stay and will be enforced more stringently,the value at the moment is 0.7,in recent days
1.boris has announced there may never be a vaccine
2.chancellor is warning of a savage recession,the like of which we have never seen before distancing is going to be with us for years to come
4.if the lockdown is will be back in place within the month
if this r value goes up to 1.0 and above,the lockdown will stay and will be enforced more stringently,the value at the moment is 0.7,in recent days
1.boris has announced there may never be a vaccine
2.chancellor is warning of a savage recession,the like of which we have never seen before distancing is going to be with us for years to come
4.if the lockdown is will be back in place within the month
If, buts, and maybes.
It’s not above 1 is it, what’s recession got to do with us staying in lockdown, that’s why we are going to have recession.yes social distancing to stay,so what are we supposed to do officially stay at home then if a vaccine never arrives ...? It’s turning into a nonsense.
if this r value goes up to 1.0 and above,the lockdown will stay and will be enforced more stringently,the value at the moment is 0.7,in recent days
1.boris has announced there may never be a vaccine
2.chancellor is warning of a savage recession,the like of which we have never seen before distancing is going to be with us for years to come
4.if the lockdown is will be back in place within the month

Mate I wouldn't worry there are plenty out there that are ambitious and positive about the future and will seek new pastures and opportunities no matter what happens...
Herd immunity means partial immunity so if you catch it a second time you may not know is the thought. Not sure at this rate we will get to that point for many years.
As for recession it will be because of no call for service (travel) or just a slow down. Those young starting out will be stuffed, but those established will tick over but I'm more positive now than a few weeks ago. Lets get and clear they backlog of work and see how things are in October. Anyone young starting out just work hard at finding work that maybe the older guys don't want. Also consider traveling and staying away. I've done bits in London and Devon when I was younger. Anything for a buck. Could not Face that now so there will always be work but maybe not what you want. And if it's grim remember others have done similar that was well grim just to keep going. I can't face that again.gee
Spent a lot of time in lockdown planning finances...every uneeded direct debit gone, sorted gas, electric, phones, broadband onto best deals, quite a nice refund from water bill and also reduced...realised we didnt need as much money as we thought. Recession can f**k off all I want is 3 days a week max after I've cleared my backlog. Enough to pay the bills and have a nice holiday. If I get nothing, tighten the belt slightly and ride the wave till its done