Refreshing Change

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Private Member
I have just completed a job for TTS INTERIORS based in Manchester, they rang me up as they were doing a refirb on a mexican restaurant here in Plymouth.
I gave them a quote which they didnt argue with at all, we finished the job and I posted the invoice to them on SATURDAY and had a call TODAY from them informing me that they had paid me in full direct into my bank account.

What more can you ask, if only all the other firms did the same !!!

restores ya faith in people, till they knock ya back on the next job ya price, cos a polish fireman has quoted cheaper, :RpS_blink:lol
nice one rich, and now i bet you wouldnt say no to working for them again would ya, if only more builders realised that if you dnt give shoit to ya subbys all the time then they will want to do more work for them when ever they have something, rather than the builder always haveing to find anouther spread (who could be a cowboy) cos they have fcuked about the spread who does a good job
Refreshing Change
nice one!
Good one Rich there are still some good firms about the problems start when the client starts messing about then it all goes down the line.
Nice one , we use to do a bit of taping for a frim like that...Wasn't massive so was great with the payments, last job we done he held back £200 off the invoice, can't remember what it was for but we always earnt well with him, so kinda wrote it off and thought nothing of it...Then 2 months later he phones us up on a friday afternoon got that cheque or cash for you if you want....Couldn't belive it, was skint at the time to....
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