render wont set

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New Member
hi all i am reasonably new to plastering had a couple of years experience but every time i seem to try rendering every thing gos fine but right at the end of the day there is all ways a little square that wont go off i am not working at the min but my mum wants me to do a bit for her and was just looking for some tips thanks
At this time of year it isn't going to go off. Either use accelerators (frost proofers) or create a bit of suction. The other problem will be water in the mix running down and the bottom won't go off. It's a waiting game.

If you can wait till at least mid April when the air is drier.
Use less waterproofed in the scratch coat. Frost provider in the top coat.

As said the best thing to do is wait till warmed times.
we done a house a couple of weeks ago about 3 weeks i think and we used jet cem on the bottom 3rd of the elevation and it worked a treat
You could always use Lafarge Rapid. Set for me last December at 3c in 3 hrs below dpc level.
There's no need to rule the scratch coat :-)

depending on the substrate if you rule the scratch its goin to make the top coat a hell of a lot easier depeneds on how easy you want to make life for your self
There's no need to rule the scratch coat :-)
Always always always rule the scratch coat, a base coat is to be left flat and hollow free so that a lighter floating coat can be applied, you rule it ,check it and bead it, is it just me...?
Always always always rule the scratch coat, a base coat is to be left flat and hollow free so that a lighter floating coat can be applied, you rule it ,check it and bead it, is it just me...?

I generally bead first and then rule the first coat.
I found I bars are mint the next day over a scratch coat Just to take any high spots off ect ...
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