Renderer required for Warwickshire job


New Member
Hi everyone,
I am looking for someone to render a bungalow in South Warwickshire using silicone render, about 110m2, in early Spring. The guy who did the plastering on the renovation of the property is offering to do it but has no experience with EWI, krend or Johnstones products. Any suggestions/recommendations/advice gratefully received.
Many thanks
its xmas always the same feast or famine
I choose it really norm. Want to winde down for my retirement lol . I got no out goings so don't need much . money in bank so not killing myself . Rather take little en to school n dogs for.a walk
I choose it really norm. Want to winde down for my retirement lol . I got no out goings so don't need much . money in bank so not killing myself . Rather take little en to school n dogs for.a walk
i remember your post at dog walkin place heres mine but dont have dog


  • Renderer required for Warwickshire job
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