rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

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New Member
what is the best way.. i have put a new lintel in as the old one was (french word)ed, and is all back to brick so iv beaded up, and the labour put Bond it all over the bricks, i put a scratch coat on all 3 inside areas and found that the back wall saged loads maybe to do with bond it?

but im trying to render this all free hand is that the way most people will do it?
Re: rendering inside a fireplace

you probably didn't need the bond it and maybe the render coat was a bit thick , just treat it like a outside render and you don't need waterproofer in the mix , render to straight edges held plumb scratch coat and top coat the next day use fibres in the scratch coat only, top coat to held straight edges and rule off of them let it pick up and float up again against straight edges make good any marks and run a sponge over it, if the sponge leaves lines its to wet, use weak mixes .
Re: rendering inside a fireplace

ill up load the pics 2 moro but iv already scratched with waterproof er and not used fibers and just layed on with trowel ass a guide using the out side bead as the only straight edge!
Re: rendering inside a fireplace

have you not got a spatular oasis? i did a fire place last week and it's just the right size mate.
Re: rendering inside a fireplace

i havent mate, i dont do much backing out work so im not sure if its ok to just use the trowel as a guide
Re: rendering inside a fireplace

to be fair, in the back of a fireplace isn't the most important place, you still wanna get it pretty close though. might be worth picking one up, you've got it for the future then. or just use something straight and short enough to get in if you don't wanna fork out.
ok here are the pics of the lil extra on the job i charged £210 to put in new lintle and brick up and render inside

nice top up on the 3 day job. what do you think as its my first ever attempt!

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*

rendering inside a fireplace UPDATE*
fair play .........why take photos of the plaster while its nice and pink ;D...............and the bead on the lefts pissed .........hold a straight edge level with the wall and come off this then set youre beads if youre struggling apart from that looks lovely :-*
Looks great mate,and payment its thanks enough.
One thing though ,plaster and soot /tar dont like each other and it often finds it way through make the customer aware of this becuse you dont want no combacks
they wanted solid walls didnt they? .....wouldve been alot easier to dab it...if you get youre lab to hold a straight edge level off the face keep building it out and rule of the edge look after youre angle mate and youre home
p.s ignore skimmingtoday he hasnt got a clue;)
i just used the lazer to level the lintel. and steve i just used a bit of timber cut and used a 18" trowel for the sides! im starting to get better with the backing coats :-)
spunky said:
they wanted solid walls didnt they? .....wouldve been alot easier to dab it...if you get youre lab to hold a straight edge level off the face keep building it out and rule of the edge look after youre angle mate and youre home
p.s ignore skimmingtoday he hasnt got a clue;)
yea they want a lil fire in there they said
skimmin2day said:
Dont no wether to treat myself to a new pair of mt2 stilts or have a 3 girl special down the local parlour?????

Well I haven't heard much good about those stilts, so that should be decision made Skimmin.
nothing wromg with my old faithfull pair of stilts coming to think about it???, and planks and hop ups are much safer.
So down to honeyz it is
Looks ok Oasis but Spunky is right that bead aint right and using a laser for that lintol bit over the top, next time same with anything once youve beaded up stand back and look at it, does it look right? if it does it is let your eyes be your guide.
ha ha lazer was in the van from the tile job! was that bead out was it? i put a level on them both
Allright oasis the bead on one of the pics does look out, I think its the one where the skim is wet but on the finished pic it looks fine, it might just be a optical illusion throwing it out or the camera angle but as long as you got paid it dont matter ;)
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