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hi all,i have a rendering question for you guys out there.i recently had to render a inside doorway built out of dense concrete blocks,it was about 25mm thick so i built it up with 3 coats of render cos of the thickness,giving the coats a good scratching.i made the first on 3 to 1 the second 3 and a half and the final 4 to 1 ,using good quality plastering sand.did i use the right mix ,materials etc?it seemed a real solid job when it had you think this will stand the test of time or just fall off or something? im looking forward to hereing from you guys over the weeks.see you later spreads. :)
when rendering or floating i don't bother with screeds but lay on right to left, (opposite from skimming) that way its easier to see how much your laying on. i always rule off with a feather edge otherwise, when low sun hits it, morning or evening, any imperfections, even really slight uneveness, will show shadow.
;D when the sun hits it on an angle it will show up everything regardless of technique !
what do u lot mean when u say u dont use screeds or u do use screeds ?

what r screeds in terms of rendering ?  :-/
ill try to explain,again just my opinion,picture this,wall 3mtres high 10 metres long ,after a scratch to even out suction ,level an plum your gonna top coat,whatever depth you use or is chosen wants to be the same all over.drop a line of gear at your start point top to bottom then the length of you edge drop another,repeat for the length of the wall,if i use a screed its about a trowel length wide,let it tighten up ,fill in the middle and edge off the screeds,foolproof for plastering,boll$$ks for rendering,jmo!
f**king h i never expected all these replys you guys but it certainly has been a crash course in the dos an donts of rendering!!!!!! ::) I feel well prepped for Monday mornin now .i since found out that there are indeed expansion brackets going in so the sections should be nae bother got a guy to mix up too wahheeey ;D thanks for all your comments everyone ;)
f**king h i never expected all these replys you guys but it certainly has been a crash course in the dos an donts of rendering!!!!!! ::) I feel well prepped for Monday mornin now .i since found out that there are indeed expansion brackets going in so the sections should be nae bother got a guy to mix up too wahheeey  ;D thanks for all your comments everyone ;)
f**king h i never expected all these replys you guys but it certainly has been a crash course in the dos an donts of rendering!!!!!! ::) I feel well prepped for Monday mornin now .i since found out that there are indeed expansion brackets going in so the sections should be nae bother got a guy to mix up too wahheeey  ;D thanks for all your comments everyone ;)
oops bit pished :D meant to say im well prepped providing it dosent slash it down monday or snow ha ha last thing i need is another "administrative" day :-X ;)
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