renderlath how mutch and were to buy

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just had a call and been asked to price a semi detatched house with render lath dont know why they want it yet but there going to clad over the original render with this i think it would be cheaper to hack off and start from scratch but hey what do i know thats why im asking you any one know a price per meter materials ??? were i could buy it and what the score on using it also it the none insulated stuff? going to look at it in the morning so if any info would be apreashiated
Under new building regs if the property does not have wall insulation and you are re-rendering more than 25% of the property it has to be done using insulated system (well thats what my la tell me)
would it be cheaper to get the cavity insulated? the way if anyone needs one theres a couple of refina scabblers on rip bay
If there is a cavity mate yes , but on older property's it's generally 9" solid , i assumed it was hence my response
But hey i know f**k all ;D ;D ;D
its good to know though does that mean we'd get shot if we didnt insulate it ?
makes sense if you think about it.. 9" solid can be a bitch for penetrating damp too.. bit of jablite would stop that....
went to see the property today detached house painted dash on it spec says renderlath non insulated to be applied
found a website phoned them up 1.44sqm a sheet. render 150sqm = 105 sheets at £23.87=£2506.35 fixings 12 per sheet =1260 at £51.58 a box of 200 so another £300 so £2800 and then the fitting. for the sake off hacking it off for say £800 and because some arsehole suveyor with a clip board recomends it to the agent told them id hack off scratch and flat render it for £3800 i know which one id go for
ant said:
went to see the property today detached house painted dash on it spec says renderlath non insulated to be applied
found a website phoned them up 1.44sqm a sheet. render 150sqm = 105 sheets at £23.87=£2506.35 fixings 12 per sheet =1260 at £51.58 a box of 200 so another £300 so £2800 and then the fitting. for the sake off hacking it off for say £800 and because some arsehole suveyor with a clip board recomends it to the agent told them id hack off scratch and flat render it for £3800 i know which one id go for
um.. 1.44 a metre... ok so render=150 metres..
so sheet price is 150 x 1.44 yes? 216 quid.. thats why they price boards up for you in metre prices mate.. it makes your life easier so you dont have to convert 2.88 square metres every time..
where do you get 23.87 from?
thats the price per sheet mate
bigsegs said:
ant said:
went to see the property today detached house painted dash on it spec says renderlath non insulated to be applied
found a website phoned them up 1.44sqm a sheet. render 150sqm = 105 sheets at £23.87=£2506.35 fixings 12 per sheet =1260 at £51.58 a box of 200 so another £300 so £2800 and then the fitting. for the sake off hacking it off for say £800 and because some arsehole suveyor with a clip board recomends it to the agent told them id hack off scratch and flat render it for £3800 i know which one id go for
um.. 1.44 a metre... ok so render=150 metres..
so sheet price is 150 x 1.44 yes? 216 quid.. thats why they price boards up for you in metre prices mate.. it makes your life easier so you dont have to convert 2.88 square metres every time..
where do you get 23.87 from?
duh! sorry mate completely read it wrong.. fuzzy headed silly c**t that i am!
getting confused with board prices... currently 1.42 a metre ::)
dunno if your anywhere near peterborough but chd at whittlesey 7.90 for galvo and 16.10 for stainless riblath (per sheet ;D)
no mate liverpool but nice to know i can get it else were cheaper do you know wether i can use sand ancement on it or is it a k rend /webber job
bigsegs said:
duh! sorry mate completely read it wrong.. fuzzy headed silly c**t that i am!
getting confused with board prices... currently 1.42 a metre ::)
dunno if your anywhere near peterborough but chd at whittlesey 7.90 for galvo and 16.10 for stainless riblath (per sheet ;D)
never used it mate tbh but as far as im aware you can use s/c on anything with a mechanical key i.e. something for it to grab onto. Had a mate used to do what he used to call 'security ceilings' and that was sheets of eml fixed up, then a splatter coat (pricking up coat?) then just layered up..
not sayin its easy mind..
church is yer man for rendering.. or some of the other lads (some dark horses on here ;D)
is it riblathe or like a diamond pattern mesh mate .........................sssh havent got a clue but it sounds good ;)
Hi guys , this may be a silly question but can you use fibreglass mesh to render sand and cement onto, on top of backing paper on a timber frame ?
Renderlath I have never used but I have heard off here its a sod to render over. Maybe fibre glass strands might help.

I think you need to put a pricking up coat on then the scratch.

let us know if you do it and how you get on.
Renderlath I have never used but I have heard off here its a sod to render over. Maybe fibre glass strands might help.

I think you need to put a pricking up coat on then the scratch.

let us know if you do it and how you get on.

Oh....Didn,t notice it was first posted in 2009 :RpS_blushing:
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