Renovating Plaster

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Anybody used renovating plaster before, got a client who wants it on his walls after they got damp through a leaking drain pipe, the pipe has been fixed and the walls are now dry with only afew salt deposits. do I need to use it and if so how, do i use it the same way as normal, noticed that Thistle do not do any, which suprised me. Any help appreciated, cheers
Just mix it the same as bonding / hardwall in a tub but let it stand for 15 minute then mix it again  use it like you would i you were rendering two passes and rule and fill in then when semi firm go over it with a devil float , leave it over night then skim the next day , let me know if you are using renovating finish as this is not the same to use as multi etc. Dri coat in the BGs version / equivilant

PS mix up outside its a nasty dust and has a lot of tiny fibres in the dust.
pss also although like harwall to use its cement based so it hasnt got a setting time grey in clolour
i found it a bitch to rule off it is heavy so look out for thicknesses a bit of background suction helps
Cheers for the advice, never realised dri-coat was the same, may use dri-coat so all plaster the same. Would I use dri-coat in the same way you described, thanks again much appreciated.
BG used to do a renovate plaster called 'thistle renovating'(funny enough) it had a lovely white finish they dont make it any more though. Are you using Tilcon Limelite with Limelite finish, The finish is funny stuff it dos'nt polish up like gypsum finishes, but you can put quite a lot on.
could he use two coats of sbr slurry and sand cement ? if the pipes being fixed he should be alright ..........unless he's paying for it who cares ;D
Think I will use dri-coat as sounds good, just read about its application and all on there website and one thing they say is that all the salt deposits must be fully removed from the wall prior to dri-coat being applied even thou it contains elements to prevent the salt coming through, what it failed to say thou was the best way to remove them, can I just scrape them off then brush the wall down or should I use something to wash them off, cheers for the help.
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