Repairing crack in through colour render

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Had a call the other day from a guy who fits doors, he accidentally damaged the render while removing the door. Theres a crack running down the bead.

I've seen some crack repair kits from a company called Rendit anyone had any experience?

Repairing crack in through colour render

Repairing crack in through colour render
Well is it a crack or is it blown? If it is a crack and still solid then you can repair it but it will will be visible.

Rendit will send you a colour sample first then a bigger bottle if satisfied. Usually though it may re-crack being next to a door. Makes me wonder why it is in such a straight line? Something not quite right there.

There are other repair methods as well. Remember to put masking tape up the sides of the crack to avoid over spill.
The crack is down the edge of the bead rigsby it looks like he has bashed the bead outwards whilst fitting the frame
Rendit gear is the best chance you have got of mending it or i would be tempted to render a band over each side of the door to make
a raised feature probly about 9 inches wide
The crack is down the edge of the bead rigsby it looks like he has bashed the bead outwards whilst fitting the frame
Rendit gear is the best chance you have got of mending it or i would be tempted to render a band over each side of the door to make
a raised feature probly about 9 inches wide

I was going to suggest that but as bubbles has said you may have to do the windows to suit. There are beads on the market for those bands. Fast and accurate.
Rigs by is needed elsewhere to answer about waterproof in accelerator frost proofer, thanks in advance rigs by
Thanks. Good shout spongebob, thats what happened and good idea!! I'll put it to the customer, as you say might have to do the windows to!!

Rigsby, thanks for advice at you say might crack again if repaired being close to the door.

Thanks all.

Any links to band beads or can you just use 10mm stops?
Might be better onto a render board to span that linear crack - never used them before like :RpS_thumbup:
Like i said your knackered looks to me,[In my opion] the crack is due to the bead being nailed onto wood. which that has been used as a fillet to narrow the door frame, if u cover it up using stopbead to form a panel it will crack again in time
Use bell cast beads instead of stop. More adjustable on the reveal and the reveal render will wrap around the corner. Better key.
Ah......There isn't one, but if there was.........?

Could still use a bell bead if you wanted it thicker than a stop bead.
I wouldnt use a bell bead cos of the offset angle of the bead, 10mm render stops personally fixed and the cracked area chopped off first and eml to bridge the crack in the substrate if there is one.
But if it is a timber fillet - and it deffo looks that way - d'ya reckon EML would be enough with it being a door as well?
Looks like the door-fitter has become a victim of some shoit workmanship really :RpS_crying:
I agree. It wasn't cracked before and it took some force to cause this crack. I'll remove the loose, basecoat/mesh and top.

Its also protected from the weather as porch roof above.
This is what I don't like about dry fixing beads. You may force the material (and may not) through the perforations in the bead but it is only the mortar that goes through the perforations that sticks to the wall, the rest is on plastic. Slightest knock and it cracks.

I prefer to put if I can material behind the bead and bed the bead in so it is a solid fix. Not always possible but how men don't bother to force the material through the perforations getting it behind the bead as much as possible?
Well is it a crack or is it blown? If it is a crack and still solid then you can repair it but it will will be visible.

Rendit will send you a colour sample first then a bigger bottle if satisfied. Usually though it may re-crack being next to a door. Makes me wonder why it is in such a straight line? Something not quite right there.

There are other repair methods as well. Remember to put masking tape up the sides of the crack to avoid over spill.
timber down the side of the frame Rigby ?
Hi all,

I've just noticed you all discussing our crack repair gear here and thought I'd drop in to say hello. Unfortunately this issue isn't an easy fix because there's a good chance the door frame will tug on the bead as I'm assuming the new frame will have been screwed through it so it will keep recracking, and eventually drop out.

It needs the bead removing and redoing and some kind of decorative detail in render either side of the door so it looks like it was supposed to be there as it will never patch in right.
Omg such a fuss just cut it out ,tape up either side ,render it,stitch it in ,job done £150 quid please :RpS_confused:
Itd be noticeable

Most definitely, the bead is probably trapped behind the door frame so everytime the door is closed it'll put stress on the render, the patch would probably dry a different colour as well. It would be a simple fix if not for this with no need for any render.

It's quite a common problem on new builds
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