If you just get dermatitis then your fine. You just need to work a little slower. Add more solvent. Make sure to wear a chemical respirator or gas mask. Use nitrile gloves or butyl gloves only. Whatever you do don't use latex. Keep a rag in your back pocket with solvent on it so when you get Epoxy on your gloves you can wipe off your gloves, trowel handle, brush handle, roller handle. Care should be taken when you are mixing epoxy, mma, urethane mortars and get raw corrosive number 8 on your gloves. When you do get raw part A and B polymers on your gloves just pop them off and throw on new rubbers. It is the raw resin and hardner that promote dermatitis. Once mixed it is non corrosive. If you are very itchy at end of days. Take a antihistamine. If you can bring a change of clothes to work with you that is what I would do. Make sure you when you wash your self you get all the **** off your hands, knees, forearms. Use moisturizers on your body. Now if you become Allergic to epoxy like me your ******. There is no cure. There probably is one but the medical community is hiding it. You really need to stop and be preventive or you will end up like me trying to learn how to do plastering instead of troweling epoxy. I really miss hanging cove, troweling out 5000sqft and getting out of work in 2 hours and getting paid for 8.