Ritmo for sale

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If any of you lads have bucket coat to spray can you give me a shout to come and have a gander? 120 mile radius of South Yorkshire though. Went to Exeter once took 9 hrs!
If any of you lads have bucket coat to spray can you give me a shout to come and have a gander? 120 mile radius of South Yorkshire though. Went to Exeter once took 9 hrs!


I caught up with Les last week in Barrow (OK - fair way from Sheffield....). Can't remember if he was going to spray the texture coat on that job or not? - but he had sprayed a 100+ m2 wall with UP210 + mesh (5 storeys) the day before, as a 2 and 1 gang .....

Think he was lucky to keep it on the wall with the wind and rain!! .....but looked GREAT!
If any of you lads have bucket coat to spray can you give me a shout to come and have a gander? 120 mile radius of South Yorkshire though. Went to Exeter once took 9 hrs!

more than welcome to come on one of our sites, when the better weathers here, I aint doing any more acrylic's until spring now though.
sheffields about an hour and a half south from our neck of the woods.

Yes give me a shout Owls and I will come over. You should know how long it takes to come here being an Owls fan and me overlooking the ground.
Yes another manager has bit the dust!
Hi Rigsby, a bit off topic just realised you live near me and our lasses shop middlewood road. Called Hair Flair(Hair/beauty/reflexology/ massage. just up from asda. Call in sometime for a hair cut or a back massage.
Just mention you know me from tpf (sam) they'll sort you out:)
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