We all do things different, I never take a day to skim a room it would just be too long of a day I only work domestic so the earliest I can start is 0830 hrs (as most people just dont want you there before that) I only work on my own, so first thing I do is sheet up from entry point to room, then sheet up room 100%; next rad is drained the removed as well as brackets, I then run a scraper over all the walls and at the same time give them a brush down, I then apply 1st coat of PVA (5-1) and while this is drying fit and scrim all the beads; remove all plug sockets/light switches from wall and fit chocolate boxes, if the PVA has dried I then apply 2nd coat (3-1) and while this goes tacky get all my mixing gear set up, once tacky mix up 1st guage and put 1st coat on lid and 2 end walls/reveals, clean all mixing tubs etc then when ready trowel up then mix up 2nd coat and apply, once that guage has finished repeat for 2 large walls etc and again apply 2 coats, once all plastering done need to refit/fill/bleed rad; refit all sockets/switches etc; pack all gear away; pack all dust sheets; give room a clean and hoover, in amongst all that would have some lunch and afew brews. Any tips on speeding the above process up would be much appreciated