roughcast help

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My m8 arrived but he's got the Hardly Davidson stuck now, it seams a powful bike but it cudnt toe the tracter out

roughcast help
yer, an its rayned all day its getting mudier, were gona get the spades owt an dig the Hardley free first, fuk the swiming pool
Dont do that jon mate, they are winding you up it looks like WW2 bomb if you hit that with a hammer you may end up looking like a Lithuanian gangster distilling Vodka
We got the Hardley Davison out wot a mes..Gonna smash that thing up tomorw, mite be full ov vikin gold or somethin.

My m8 from Cov sez its a shell he's seen lodes of em. Wot the fuk would he no bout em, covs not got a beach durr
Mind the massive furgosun is well stuk tho. ned a 4wheel drive or anover tracter. KK your m8 got any he could borro me pleese:RpS_biggrin:
Mornin lads, I'.m in A&E!!!!!!!!!!!! I dun wot henery said an hit that thing wiv a lump hamer an the nekst thing i now is am in hospital, dunno wot hapened:huh:
No m8, my missis sez that I nocked maself out with the lump hamer, my hed is saw but am not stoppin in this hopsitl the sed ther sendin a sikiatrist to luck me over............:RpS_crying:
I'm goin mentle in hear m8. I need 2 get bak 2 the swiming poool to get the massive furgosun out, then I hav to rewire the shour for the kids getin washed 4 skool tomoz, ther filthy after yesrterrday m8:-0
howd you now my hand was wet? I just burned it on the hosptle cofee venda, Iv gorra go to the burnz unit now m8:RpS_mad:
wot a shitt day av had m8, noked meslf out, burnd me hand on coffe mashine and now Iv jus bin arsted by cops 4 gropin a nurse:RpS_crying:.......he seemd a nice nurse 2:RpS_mad:
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