Ruleing Multifinish!!!

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Does anyone actualy rule with a derby there finish coats either on boardwork or re-skims?

Felas that taught me used to be quite big on pulling up skirts, internals & ceiling lines with them though not realy fussed about the whole walls etc. But ive got to be realy honest over the years ive got out of the good habit guess got lazy.

Was just thinking earlier whilst clearing the van out do you think all these new tools with the emphasise on flexi/plaza etc is more an attempt to smooth over the lumps and bumps appose to pulling them around like we were once taught to.

Well that's how boring my days been!!!

overs to youse????

hmmmm with a speedskim.... but I did right up until I got a speedskim :D

im also the same danny ref speedskim etc though I do think we are all probably trying to convince ourselves that we are ruling when the reality is that we are in reality smoothing over:RpS_unsure:
I do on the right jobs, but some jobs don't pay enough and they just want it skimming over. You can't beat looking at bob on straight lines, looks a top job.
I can see where your coming from zombie , on a reskim i had seen the bloke i used to work with using one , if it was that bad though it wud be with bonding first then skimming normally , if u need to do that to skim really it should have a coat under it and just skimmed even coat ....... The dude i mentioned also was a big lover of bonding , but truth be hold u cud skim either way but a bit bonding first makes it easier to skim if the all over the place ......... As said all depends on the job , the customer and the price .......
The only time i had to rule skim off was on a hotel job concrete walls with a thick coat of gypbond over them then skim and rule off with feather edge , then the clarke used to come round with a torch he was a nob shining it over the walls many a argument on that job he had with blokes his name was paul but we used to call him jamie and the magic torch after that old cartoon
i have seen plasterers rule in sirapite, which was a more open plaster. multi which is very fine needs to go on tight.
On over skims when I have to skim around the plug sockets I will check the skirting line with a straight edge and rule or scrape the skim on the first coat. Usually use a derby.
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