Salt Neutraliser query

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New Member
Hi all

just joined the forum and desperately need some help!

I have just rendered an internal wall that had some damage after a re-wire. I rendered onto brick and then finished with multifinish. As the wall has started drying out it has left some salt on the finished surface presumably from the brick. I wanted to use salt neutraliser before decorating with supermatt so the render can dry out fully over time. However, I'm not sure if salt neutralizer will still allow the plaster to breath.
So in a nutshell, is the surface still breathable after salt neutraliser has been applied?

Any help greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Harry
salt neutraliser consists of -
acetic acid

which basically means

washing up liquid

yep, it can still breathe, make your own... i do, and it works just as well...
50/50 water / vinegar and a drop or two of washing up liquid..
washing up liquid just dissolves any grease and stuff in the wall... opens up the pores if you like... vinegar does the rest..
tell you sommat else too...
works real well on a p'ss stained wall behind a bog... ;)
Chris W said:
50/50 water / vinegar and a drop or two of washing up liquid..
washing up liquid just dissolves any grease and stuff in the wall... opens up the pores if you like... vinegar does the rest..
tell you sommat else too...
works real well on a p'ss stained wall behind a bog... ;)

Hi Chris, just done a job that has loads of efflorescence, i brush it off every day but just
wondering at what stage u apply ur home made neutraliser- while the salt is still
coming out? after it stops? I only ask cos the finish plaster is getting damaged, cheers eddie
what happened in the end irish?

I had some old dear ring up her local decorating shop to ask them about some salts coming through the paint on an external.
She reckons they rand up Dulux and they just said to keep wiping it off with a bit of hessian, and eventually it'll go.
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