Hi all joiner by trade 
This week I have been helping a friend out with some damp problems on her old late 1800s cottage, I pulled off the skirting boards to find the dpc injection was already installed and that it had a coat of sand and cement render what was done around 18 years ago, when I asked her she said it was done so she could get the mortgage by the builder who owned it! say no more, So chopped off the S&C render and found the bricks were perished damp and crumbling.
so i looked up why it was in the state it's in and found some interesting answers..
Here>>> Managing damp problems in old buildings
Seems sand and cement done the damage I have looked up a few post's here and on the web and some still say use sand and cement I am by no way an expert on dpc or plastering but those walls are shot due to the moisture being trapped and wont be getting sand and cement back on, looks like its a renovating plaster or is there anything else what is as good but not as expensive? thanks.

This week I have been helping a friend out with some damp problems on her old late 1800s cottage, I pulled off the skirting boards to find the dpc injection was already installed and that it had a coat of sand and cement render what was done around 18 years ago, when I asked her she said it was done so she could get the mortgage by the builder who owned it! say no more, So chopped off the S&C render and found the bricks were perished damp and crumbling.
so i looked up why it was in the state it's in and found some interesting answers..
Here>>> Managing damp problems in old buildings
Seems sand and cement done the damage I have looked up a few post's here and on the web and some still say use sand and cement I am by no way an expert on dpc or plastering but those walls are shot due to the moisture being trapped and wont be getting sand and cement back on, looks like its a renovating plaster or is there anything else what is as good but not as expensive? thanks.