sand cement

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Never done it but that would be the best way - Ill do some test with CPI GP and Parmurex this week
were thinking its pointless spraying loads if we can't finish it, if we do spray 60m or whatever it'll be too wet and just be sat there looking at it

I would say do the opposite. If u wanna do anything by hand then scratch by hand. Not a lot if gear involved and easy. Use the machine to get the bulk on and take the hard work out. Just put on the same as you would by hand and have a longer lunch. Find your timings and go from there
why full mesh on blockwork with cpi currier?can`t see the point in that really.stress points yeah.surely the time it takes to drop back and do that and the cost of the mesh shags the price.of course if you allow for that fair play!!
jo bloggs down the road would`nt allow to do that so it would surely price you out of it.
why full mesh on blockwork with cpi currier?can`t see the point in that really.stress points yeah.surely the time it takes to drop back and do that and the cost of the mesh shags the price.of course if you allow for that fair play!!
jo bloggs down the road would`nt allow to do that so it would surely price you out of it.
Any old build gets full mesh priced in and I hae a chat with the customer explaining why.
There's a big house by me that's being hacked off and redone. It's all old stone walls a foot thick, no dpc and lime pointing holding it all together. It was covered in unpainted sand & cement done in the last ten years I'd say before. Every time it rained and dried it was like humpty dumptys she'll after the poor sods fall.....all crazed and cracked to ****! So in their wisdom what have they learned...? Nothing it seems as sand & cement is going back on with no primer, no mesh, I mean wtf??

A lot more traditional render jobs should chuck a quid on for a meshed scratch coat at least, even if that's as modern as it gets. Trouble is for something so easy to apply and effective most trad spreads think your on about metal.
The suitability of s&c on the building is a whole other story.
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I was spraying sand and cement today with my Ritmo L i just mixed it 4 and 1 and chucked it in the hopper sprayed brilliant:RpS_thumbsup:
Right can't leave that like that... Lol.
Level 5 diagnostic please old spud?
i read somewhere on here from one of the PFT guys that the ritmo would spray S/C so i had a small job filling out bricked up doorways and just happened to have the pump on the ute.I just mixed it 4/1 with a bit of fairy soap and bucketed it into the hopper.I found it had to be a bit wetter as the 2nd mix i did was a bit drier and blocked in the pressure plate,once cleaned and wet up it sprayed spot on i did find that it dried on the wall quicker tho?i didnt float it and finish it as it was just a backing coat to pack out ill go back tonight and trowel a thin coat bag render over it and finish
no water,sand and cement all stayed together i only put 3 mixers through the Ritmo and noticed it dried quick on the wall.
i know a guy who sprays S/C through a MAI pump all the time as bags are 3x the price
This is interesting....sand & cement through a ritmo?! Never tried but god it would come in handy if just as a dubbing coat.
I did have one blockage the mix was a bit dry and blocked in the pressure plate.I did have to mix it a bit wetter from memory?
no water,sand and cement all stayed together i only put 3 mixers through the Ritmo and noticed it dried quick on the wall.
i know a guy who sprays S/C through a MAI pump all the time as bags are 3x the price

ah i meant like when u leave muck in a wheelbarrow or bucket the water comes to the top
No mate it was fine i had muck in a barrow and used a bucket to scoop it into the hopper it wasnt in the machine long enough for the water to come to the surface plus when you start the machine i guess the mixing shaft mixes it all up
all in all it sprayed the same as any bags i put through it :RpS_thumbsup:give it a go mate!
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