scratch coat wont go off

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scratched a couple of walls on on sat and i can still press my fingers into it today it was over old dash

4:1 with a 3 in1 additive

jewsons plastering sand an lafarge cement
probably a waterproofer in the dash stopping it setting and with this weather but only a guess whats a 3 in 1 additive?
kirk johnstone said:
flynnyman said:
probably a waterproofer in the dash stopping it setting and with this weather but only a guess whats a 3 in 1 additive?

bet you its got retarder in it ;D give it a week then try it ;)

naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa cant be that maybe it could be .................................oh look up it is the retarder lol
hasnt dried out at all strange like ive never had it hang like this its only on my own house so not really a problem just tryin to get my head round why it wont dryout

its a single skin wall that gets alot of the weather could the wall being saturated be the problem?
How thick was the scratch? plus the weather has been damp so that could be a factor and it usually goes harder the longer it takes to cure.
I use the Everbuild 3 in 1 all the time and I'm sure that won't be the problem, at 4:1 it should have gone fairly hard within a couple of days even if still damp (which is what you want). I wouldn't think of topcoating for seven days minimum this time of year.
no top coating until scratch coat has set and dried out mate ;)

just give it time it will set eventually. anyway the longer it takes to set the stronger it will be
it wont be getting dashed for a few weeks only done it as i scratched the internals and was getting a few bricks showing through as though it was damp so thought it was maybe penetrating in parts so scratched the outside hoping to cure this
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