I'd say it was because he's not doin that side.It could be a flat or bent tooth on your scraper, how come you've put a stop bead on the corner and not an angle bead mate? Not trying to pick nits just curious?
It looked like block work that's why I askedI'd say it was because he's not doin that side.
It was sticking to my scratcher but ive left it longet before and it's a pain to scratch when its rock hardRenders too soft, when its the right hardness it's difficult to do that no matter what you do. The scratch should feel dry and raspy with fine dry grit coming away, and you'll definitely need mask and eye protection. For most I see scratching they would say it's almost too hard and their arm hurts...
We've not been scratching until 11am-midday on a 3pm previous day spread with K Rend recently and it's been spot on.
I saw a good video of it the other day on the net, just can't remember where.
did it look better when you left it longer ?It was sticking to my scratcher but ive left it longet before and it's a pain to scratch when its rock hard
It was sticking to my scratcher but ive left it longet before and it's a pain to scratch when its rock hard
Try ruling off your krend then rub it up like you would normal render with a float. This makes the krend really flat and so much easier to texture rub next day and you get less misses. Also it looks much better when the sun hits it at an angle and you don't get rub lines in it from high/ low spotsWhen scratching back k rend im leaving slight lines in the finish and not leaving a natural scraped finish. Am i hitting it to early
Scratched to early - if it's clogging -scratching isn't that hard when it's set right - weber is a easier -chalky scratch
Never thought of this. Can you rub it up straight away or wait a bitTry ruling off your krend then rub it up like you would normal render with a float. This makes the krend really flat and so much easier to texture rub next day and you get less misses. Also it looks much better when the sun hits it at an angle and you don't get rub lines in it from high/ low spots
Cheers Andy can I put mesh inbedded in weber rend aidRule it straight away and you put mesh in the first pass.