self levelling compound

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do u need a different r+s?

i normally only do small areas, and just trowel it around. never used a spikey roller but have been told they make it much better. do u still trowel it and then roller?
no need to trowel it if you know how much to lay in each area. lay it in thin bands from side to side and then come behind with the spiky roller.It will remove air bubbles and also help spread it about.

You dont need a different rotor just use your b pump and turn the speed up full and the water up high. Loosely drop powder in until the hopper is full. Then bring your water down to get the consistency.
it is better to do this with 2 people so the material can be manipulated before the aggregate falls to the bottom and it wont self level.
There are a few youtube videos
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