Good for skim but dont do it with carlite bonding unless you can get through a tub in seconds, kiss of death :-0
I believe you:RpS_wink:
Rent is cheap in some of the sh1tole areas in wolvistan, my mate rents a few houses out mainly to poles one is called camilla & she niiiiiice:RpS_drool:
You want his number?:RpS_biggrin:
I heard a handful of board finish slows it but i doubt that...
another guy I know plastering a lifetime swears by adding milk as the preservatives slows the set...He told me he was skimming a room
with another plasterer and he was drinking a carton of milk and he poured half of the milk into the bucket before his mate started to knock up, and he said the
gear hangs around for ever, apparently his mate swears by it now !!!
I'd rather have her number!