
I hear that ...
Whether it’s a man made virus or from some yellow skinned little bat eating freak is neither here nor there... but the fact know one is taking this serious and the government have only been advising and not enforcing is the reason we will end up like Italy

Perhaps, but an alternative perspective is that perhaps they know something you don't. Perhaps they know something about the media narrative that you don't know?
Like what..

I certainly don't claim to have all the answers

It isn't for me to describe what that might be - but I encourage you to do some of your own research

I encouraged you to expand your thinking a little, rather than just relying on being spoonfed by the mainstream media, and your response is to expect me to spoonfeed you, instead..?

I encourage you, again, to do a little independent research, to get a broader perspective.

If you don't wish to, then that's fair enough, but be prepared to see, for the most part, fearmongering and doom and gloom if you keep drinking the mainstream media koolaid.
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I encouraged you to expand your thinking a little, rather than just relying on being spoonfed by the mainstream media, and your response is to expect me to spoonfeed you, instead..?

I encourage you, again, to do a little independent research, to get a broader perspective.

If you don't wish to, then that's fair enough, but be prepared to see, for the most part, fearmongering and doom and gloom if you keep drinking the mainstream media koolaid.
I could do research into conspiracy theories but what’s the point? People have been making conspiracy theories on 9/11 since the day it happened but still we are none the wiser?? Of course the media are fear-mongering that’s nothing new... I used to refuse to watch the news as have always found it extremely depressing but at this moment in time mainstream media is unavoidable. The facts are Belgium, Italy, France and Spain are in lockdown and 650 odd people died in 24hours in Italy .. so what research that I do is pointless imo that it’s a man made virus made up by bill gates or the Chinese so they can make a shed load of money from the vaccine or that China are now about to take over the world blah blah
I could do research into conspiracy theories but what’s the point?

The first thing you could do is research where the term 'conspiracy theory' came from, and what the purpose of coining it was.

The answer might surprise you.

I'm serious.

People have been making conspiracy theories on 9/11 since the day it happened but still we are none the wiser??

Many would disagree with you, but you are equally entitled to your opinion about that.

at this moment in time mainstream media is unavoidable.

Come on. We both know that isn't true. Watch it or do not; it's up to you - you know where the TV remote is.

The facts are

Hmmm... are they? Or are you parroting what the TV told you?

Some of what the TV tells you may be true, but it would be naive to assert that because you saw/heard something on TV it inevitably 'must be' factually accurate and true. People are more likely to believe horrific statistics and claims as indisputable 'fact' if they have first been traumatised into a state of hysteria.

Use your own critical thinking, mate!

so what research that I do is pointless imo that it’s a man made virus made up by bill gates or the Chinese so they can make a shed load of money from the vaccine or that China are now about to take over the world blah blah

That's mostly fear p0rn.

Instead of trying to find 'the one true answer', I encourage you to consider that the current situation may be multi-faceted, with some bad, but also some good potentially happening, behind the scenes. It's just that you won't see/hear a broader perspective from a media apparatus with a narrow agenda to spoonfeed the masses a controllingly negative agenda.
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The first thing you could do is research where the term 'conspiracy theory' came from, and what the purpose of coining it was.

The answer might surprise you.

I'm serious.

Many would disagree with you, but you are equally entitled to your opinion about that.

Come on. We both know that isn't true. Watch it or do not; it's up to you - you know where the TV remote is.

Hmmm... are they? Or are you parroting what the TV told you?

Some of what the TV tells you may be true, but it would be naive to assert that because you saw/heard something on TV it inevitably 'must be' factually accurate and true. People are more likely to believe horrific statistics and claims as indisputable 'fact' if they have first been traumatised into a state of hysteria.

Use your own critical thinking, mate!

That's mostly fear p0rn.

Instead of trying to find 'the one true answer', I encourage you to consider that the current situation may be multi-faceted, with some bad, but also some good potentially happening, behind the scenes. It's just that you won't see/hear a broader perspective from a media apparatus with a narrow agenda to spoonfeed the masses a controllingly negative agenda.

would you agree there is no vaccine
would you agree millions are on lockdown
would you agree the medical scientific world havnt a clue
would you agree you've absolutely no idea wants happening??
would you agree there is no vaccine
would you agree millions are on lockdown
would you agree the medical scientific world havnt a clue
would you agree you've absolutely no idea wants happening??
I would agree on all of that, that’s the most worrying part
I’ve sent materials to a couple jobs in preparation and have a handful of general bits sent to my lock up.
I doubt joe public will let us lot into their perfect diy b&q Sunday’s ikea wet dream pissholes they call homes with their shitty barret homes drylined coffins they call houses however il shut up and hold my f**k yous till later and watch the Englishman’s attitude be the reason British tradesmen can’t flourish and allow mr derek shed in the garden dickhead tell me how YouTube told him how I should do my job. I have to placate these wankers while hiding my disgust at them. Bulk buying toilet paper s**t heads
would you agree there is no vaccine
would you agree millions are on lockdown
would you agree the medical scientific world havnt a clue
would you agree you've absolutely no idea wants happening??
I’d say that calls for a swift pint, just one tho
Italy is 3rd as a country with the most senior population that’s why the death rate is sky high we are 42nd so shouldn’t hit those heights
Did you not see Newsnight? They had a graph showing the expected projection. We were higher than Italy at the same stage. The scary thing was that Italy had been testing. We were higher and have hardly been testing anyone. Thanks, Boris, and your experts, for your herd immunity garbage. Experts my arse. Government experts told us humans couldnt get mad cow disease. This is the wall street crash, the Spanish flu, the financial crisis, world war 1, world war 2, the Vietnam war, Margaret Thatcher, the AIDS epidemic all rolled into one. The largest shitstorm mankind has ever witnessed is about to hit us.
China military locked a whole province down within days of it being recognised. Military lock down f**k**g people out in hazmat suits spraying everything. Door to door rations no one allowed out and they have controlled it. What have we done, sweet f**k all people can't even get tested. This will be a massacre be f**k**g scared.
Italy is 3rd as a country with the most senior population that’s why the death rate is sky high we are 42nd so shouldn’t hit those heights
Not only that, but as well they have a culture in Italy of generations living together under the same roof so it pases a lot easier.
Did you not see Newsnight? They had a graph showing the expected projection. We were higher than Italy at the same stage. The scary thing was that Italy had been testing. We were higher and have hardly been testing anyone. Thanks, Boris, and your experts, for your herd immunity garbage. Experts my arse. Government experts told us humans couldnt get mad cow disease. This is the wall street crash, the Spanish flu, the financial crisis, world war 1, world war 2, the Vietnam war, Margaret Thatcher, the AIDS epidemic all rolled into one. The largest shitstorm mankind has ever witnessed is about to hit us.

China military locked a whole province down within days of it being recognised. Military lock down f**k**g people out in hazmat suits spraying everything. Door to door rations no one allowed out and they have controlled it. What have we done, sweet f**k all people can't even get tested. This will be a massacre be f**k**g scared.
