Skim over bathroom paint


New Member
What needs doing before skimming over bathroom paint.
  • Scoring? (how much)
  • Febond Blue Grit?(where do you buy it besides online I'd like to do this weekend).
  • Chip at it with an axe? (how much)
  • Wire brush it?
  • AK47?
I've only done about a few months plastering in total and not had any disasters but this shiny paint worries me...
What needs doing before skimming over bathroom paint.
  • Scoring? (how much)
  • Febond Blue Grit?(where do you buy it besides online I'd like to do this weekend).
  • Chip at it with an axe? (how much)
  • Wire brush it?
  • AK47?
I've only done about a few months plastering in total and not had any disasters but this shiny paint worries me...
I was once traumatized by a tin of gloss but after few counseling sessions I managed to get over it :sisi:
Grit it asap if your looking to skim it tho weekend, the sooner the better it can hang about a lot on glossy paint.

Then wank on customers face or knicker drawer
What needs doing before skimming over bathroom paint.
  • Scoring? (how much)
  • Febond Blue Grit?(where do you buy it besides online I'd like to do this weekend).
  • Chip at it with an axe? (how much)
  • Wire brush it?
  • AK47?
I've only done about a few months plastering in total and not had any disasters but this shiny paint worries me...
At the risk of being a bore - overboard?