Is anyone finding the skim tearing? Iv been finding it hard to get a good finish this llast while the skim keeps tearing on my thrid trowel or so its starting to drive me madIm thinking of trying something different i usually use carlite finish.
its not the skim but the person using it,
It maybe the backing but I rarely get this problem anymore.
Getting back on it too soon after the second wet trowel I think.
You need to get it good in the second coat, the first wet trowel and the second wet trowel. Then leave it alone. Once it starts going dark dry trowel. Once it is dark hard dry trowel.
job done.
feel like I'm teaching to suck eggs
Get a flexi trowel, no more tears
Haha, u read my mind
We had it yesterday, did a entrance porch only about 8m2 (more bloddy hassle than its worth). Knocked up about bag and a half coated it and flatted it then knocked back what was left in bucket for second coat. Everything was fine troweled it twice then when we went to polish it a couple of bits started tearing! This has happened before but only when we try to speed things up by knocking mix back or using a dirty coat on small areas.
no saw carlite finish 4 ages.dont think you can buy it in glesga.try multi see if its any better.Is anyone finding the skim tearing? Iv been finding it hard to get a good finish this llast while the skim keeps tearing on my thrid trowel or so its starting to drive me madIm thinking of trying something different i usually use carlite finish.
no saw carlite finish 4 ages.dont think you can buy it in glesga.try multi see if its any better.
pmsl never noticed that 6 year ago.lolno saw carlite finish 4 ages.dont think you can buy it in glesga.try multi see if its any better.
It was still available when he posted that post mate :RpS_thumbsup:
It must be 15 years since Carlite finish was discontinued?
That was some cracking stuff compared to the crap they churn out today.
im new to the site
the problem may arise if the plaster is put onto walls that have been pva'd and still wet ,this causes the plaster in effect to slide down the walls using multi-finish , found out today that british gypsum are releasing new product that allows magnets to stick to them, may have uses in kiddies room or offices
what are they calling this new product? :RpS_unsure: