Skimming over small piece of timber



Starting a job soon for a new customer. One of the walls he wants me to skim is up to a doorway with no architraves and already fits flush/slightly proud of the frame. For some reason he thinks he would rather not have any architraves/mouldings around the frame if it can be helped. I told him it probably can't.

Just wondering, if I was to cover the frame edge with scrim and a thin stop bead, would the bead hold it strong enough to stop it all cracking and fulfil his fantasies. Or would the wood just kill it completely?

Pic attached



  • Skimming over small piece of timber
    415.1 KB · Views: 786
its got to be in a house thats a 2 up 2 down :D and wants a grand design finish as well... champagne ideas on lemonade money

sorry Im grumpy c**t thins morning
I'd say no

Either slide a thin coat angle down casing
Or a stop bead they can paint casing
That sofa is awful lol
Tape ,thin coat stop bead and skim,should be ok aslong as you don't go onto the wood to much.maybe a sealer on the wood to try and stop any water ingress into the wood so it don't swell as much.