skimming plasterboard brown side out

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New Member
Stripped a room today ready to skim. One wall had plasterboard with brown side out and unpainted . It has been on for 10 plus years. I believe this was normal at the time. Wondering if it is ok to just pva and skim on this surface. This is just a small diy project
Nah mate I have dealt with this kind of thing before. you need to seriously control the suction on that wall. I'd suggest layer after layer of weak pva or even sbr to kill the suction a 10 year old board will have! Feel free to put bondit on top of that to key the plaster tho, buy I'd be tempted to use pva.
I did a ceiling the other day that had been boarded 5 years ago and left, and it set as fast as f*ck.

20 * 13 foot and 10 foot high too...........I was not impressed.

Definately pva it mate.
If you PVA p/board surely the moisture could damage the board, I would use a bonding agent if I had to. As for the original question we always used to skim on the brown paper but that was stopped, if my memory serves me right, about 25 years ago.
The Apprentice said:
If you PVA p/board surely the moisture could damage the board, I would use a bonding agent if I had to. As for the original question we always used to skim on the brown paper but that was stopped, if my memory serves me right, about 25 years ago.

naaa more like 15
The Apprentice said:
If you PVA p/board surely the moisture could damage the board, I would use a bonding agent if I had to. As for the original question we always used to skim on the brown paper but that was stopped, if my memory serves me right, about 25 years ago.
Your probably right but Ive had to do it in the past and it turned out normal. Just explain to the customer what the risks are and if they dont want to reboard then at least you have explained the situation and are covered.
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