Skimming up to nice wallpaper

Hi all, what do you lads do to protect the paper
Always a nightmare tbh. I usually warn the customer it may get slightly damaged and just be extremely careful down that side of the wall when I'm putting on. It's risky putting masking tape down it, maybe low adhesive frog tape would do a job?
Oooh nice wallpaper! Is it nice is it that's nice sir oooooof! Suits you sir!
Skimming up to nice wallpaper
Skimming wall up to expensive paper
Frog tape straight on the joint of the paper take your time doing it skim pull off just before last trowel and make sure it’s nice and neat. Done plenty of these in Big expensive houses that get rented out.
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Wouldn't touch it. Gonna end badly. You can put all your caveats to them in advance and they'll be like ye do your best until the inevitable happens and you will need to replace all the wallpaper
Like Choppa said painters frog tape up the edge then for me I would use renderers drop sheet, sticky side on the frog tape stretched across and tacked in place with frog tape.

There is a risk of where you go up to the edge the paper could peel.