Sky dishes

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Hi guys just a lil help needed from the more knowledgable ( feeling brain dead from drink today) I've never been asked to put up a sky dish after taking it down before rendering as I don't have those positioning things and always told client to get an aerial man to sort it, clients saying I can just pop back in same place,is this ok? Cos I once knocked mine half inch out and never got a signal after that. Advice is much appreciated
forget it. If you can't get the signal back she will want you to pay someone else to. Your a plasterer stick to what you know. I wouldn't even take it down.
Ahhh cheers guys. That's what I was thinking Carlos y risk it? I'm writing in the quote removal of dish only, cos we chopping all the old stipple effect render off going back with a rubbed up s and c, would it be acceptable to stop bead around it you think? Instead of even touching it?
I wouldn't touch it at all. If you take it down you could be liable for any damage to cables and fitting or anything.

Just tell the client to get someone in same as I do for rads and electric's.
Why don't you just loosen off the bolts enough to enable u to render upto and behind the bracket and then nip back up ? on the occasions when i have had to take them down i just mark everything up with a felt tip just incase cos the clamps all have deg gradiant marks on them. I could just be very lucky but but all ok so far mwhaaaaaa
I take these dishes down all the time. You take out the bolts and lower the dish out of tripping over it's way. Put the bolts back in the plugs and render round them. On completion take out the bolts offer up the dish and bolt back up.

If it has been knocked on the floor it is usually sideways. Get someone on the phone in the living room and tap from one side to the other to get a picture. But in my experience it rarely happens.
dont touch it just think her feller is in doors just sitting down with a cold beer to watch the footie.
and no signal you up on the scaffold dish in hand and a thump on the chin!
id leave it were it is
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