Something on news

38 found dead in a container lorry here in Essex. Must have been a horrible death.
I don't understand why its not possible to put undercover in as its so prolific , not heard about such results
Apparently they were brought in via N.I., I wonder whether a post Brexit border would have saved them?
Irish lorry driver arrested for murder.
Is it wrong that when something like this is announced, the first website I visit is Sickipedia?
The smell must have been horrendous! :sick:
Fridge lorry , not sure what's the score , apparently driver unlocked back to get paperwork , sounds weird , thought containers were sealed so paperwork wouldn't be inside
Something does not add up
That lorry drivers name is all over the media & not been charged
He has a tractor unit like no other he goes to shows all over to show it ... he is hired to pull that trailer from a to b
He picks it up & drops off then cops think that trailer looks out of place on his rig

Your welcome
Something does not add up
That lorry drivers name is all over the media & not been charged
He has a tractor unit like no other he goes to shows all over to show it ... he is hired to pull that trailer from a to b
He picks it up & drops off then cops think that trailer looks out of place on his rig

Your welcome
I'm thinking they suspect he's in on it and for some reason he switched the fridge on by mistake or can't see why he'd be under arrest still
No! not at all you f**k**g complete and utter wally!! You’re the one that’s sick in the head!
I already said it was a joke above you absolute mong. Yes I genuinely thought you meant it would smell because they were foreign, not because there was 38 dead people.... Give your head a wobble ffs