Sparks block Oxford street protest

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F**king right now they know what its like for us, but surely its gonna have a knock on effect so i dont think its going to be long before we are all on the streets .
and the firm instigating it are tommy clarkes who made 500 mill profit last year
tommy clarkes are like the bdls of the sparky contractors every big job in london they get
That's very true mr gibbson

Sounded like they were cards in but might be wrong if so i wonder how many booked a holiday or called in sick? Its been like this for a few years with the rates going down and there is always someone to fill your shoes sad but true.
alot of them are on cards but now they are bringing in sub contract labour on less and want the blokes on to follow suit they just want more profit
alot of them are on cards but now they are bringing in sub contract labour on less and want the blokes on to follow suit they just want more profit

Well to be honest i admire them but dont give a flying ****, they have had a good screw for long enough time to work for your money lol Pricework is pricework you either dont do it and if you do you have to work that bit harder yeh the prices have gone down but so have they for every other trade on site. Why the **** shouldnt these boys take a drop and fair enough the firms are makin it pay even better but tell us something we dont know. The days of having a cushy number and a job for life are well and truly over so.
thing is for the main contractors the rates are still there. theyre just creaming it by using the recession as an excuse. its a bit harder for them, but they havent dropped their rates 50% like a lot of site spreads have had done to them. i strongly believe that if everyone had the balls, which they dont, to stand up to this b*ll***s, regardless of trade, then things would change. unfortuanalty we are english, and so do nothing
people are making a stand though. There are some glimmers of light out there, people are resisting.
Most sparks ive met are stuck up their own arses, plastering rates have fell over the last few years and sparks have had the attitude well yours isnt a skilled job so there. Well now its starting to effect them well hoo hoo now they are bothered and i guarantee them boys who are used to chasing it ie selfemployed will fill there boots coz they aint getting their holidays, sick and pensions payed for them so have to work for what the rate is and also de-skilling the job lol it isnt a skill pushing wires through conjuits its like saying plastering has been de-skilled by having labourers to mix the plaster.
Here's the text of a leaflet that was given out at Ashington site:


Dear Employees,

The directors of the company want to assure you that the new BESNA agreement is nothing to fear and we the Directors want to explore with you some of the benefits.

1) Your rate of pay will not change to any great degree, it will simply be decided by your direct supervisor, someone you know and respect, that rate of pay is of course subject to fluctuation, any problems that are encountered will be easily resolved by the offer of a blow job, oral s*x will not be written into the new agreement but we believe that over time it will become the preferred method of communication between operatives and managers.

2) The directors have also given serious consideration to the pension implications in the new agreement, we have on balance struck a happy medium which we will hope meet your aspirations, the fact that you will now work until you are 68 under government proposals only prove to us that you will not need a pension as you will be dead or that ****** anyway you will have no need of one.

3) We also wish to reassure operatives that once full casualisation of your trade is in place, we see no need to wait in the rain outside the gates for a days work, we will provide at great cost a shelter in which to congregate, this way the foreman can pick who they need and humiliate anyone who may not have performed adequately in the eyes of the company the previous day.

4) Your union under the terms of this new agreement will have sole bargaining rights, we at Balfours are of the opinion that they are a pack of spineless bastards, that the partnership we envisage is simple, we say that you are going to get ****** regularly and the union will provide the grease. This is the true spirit of partnership and of course you will still pay your union for the privilege.

5) The directors also wish to assure operatives that these changes will allow the company to enhance further the bloated salaries of those that run the company, something that is long overdue.

6) We wish to make one final point to the great unwashed and it is simply that our children have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, something we believe you will understand, we also think that you will appreciate that it is a small price for you to pay so that our children do not suffer as opposed to the children of the operatives, as we all know your kids are 10 a penny.

thing is for the main contractors the rates are still there. theyre just creaming it by using the recession as an excuse. its a bit harder for them, but they havent dropped their rates 50% like a lot of site spreads have had done to them. i strongly believe that if everyone had the balls, which they dont, to stand up to this b*ll***s, regardless of trade, then things would change. unfortuanalty we are english, and so do nothing

Maybe we should be like the french and burn cheaper imports?!....
The sparks have had a massive victory, all the big firms have pulled out of the BESNA! They've effectively won against the biggest construction firms in this country through rank and file militancy.

Just goes to show that solidarity does work in the end

Sparks block Oxford street protest
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