Speedskim v spatulas (Sorry)

John j

Mono Don
Being Yorkshire n known for being tight . Only thinking of getting a speedskim to flatten coats . Just priced em and with pole and grip it comes to about 140 . Would a 30 inch spatula just do same thing at a fraction of price
Get one with a pole attachment at least, so you can do ceiling easier. Just used my refina spat to do a ceiling and because I don't use stilts it really helps having it on a pole.
Haha well just bought one . Love how once ye check out on refina price goes up 2 more times arrrgggghhhhh . You need the clasps poles on the speed skims n just puts price up . Only flattening so watch this space to see what I think . Just need things to be a bit easier now hitting forty n having another baby catches up with you when you do second gage .
Haha well just bought one . Love how once ye check out on refina price goes up 2 more times arrrgggghhhhh . You need the clasps poles on the speed skims n just puts price up . Only flattening so watch this space to see what I think . Just need things to be a bit easier now hitting forty n having another baby catches up with you when you do second gage .
40 your a mere boy
Haha well just bought one . Love how once ye check out on refina price goes up 2 more times arrrgggghhhhh . You need the clasps poles on the speed skims n just puts price up . Only flattening so watch this space to see what I think . Just need things to be a bit easier now hitting forty n having another baby catches up with you when you do second gage .
Why not finish with it?
I only use a trowel for the edges nowadays. Especially on larger lids.
My dad was exactly the same why you buying that shite he would say he's fifty he now has the 300 600 1200 st 1st loves them all says it's a lot easier less effort
. I.m hoping to go to 3 stroke a wall I stead of loads . Just makes sense

f**k it just get one and see. Yeah you can use one trowel start to finish if you like, infact my MT xtralite is by far and away my favourite trowel. But it makes a nice change to do it a different way too. Today the ceiling I was doing got coated, flattened with speedy ST coated again then flattened again with ST, next one was SF speedy (not worn in yet) followed with 1 run with nelaflex 2 then cross trowels with same trowel. Came up as good as can be.

Doesn't look like much but this was where speedykim got me and she just getting better and better (I'm probably also getting better with it)


  • Speedskim v spatulas (Sorry)
    752.3 KB · Views: 669
One of the chaps I worked with was pretty neat plasterer and never needed to flatting in between coats... He thought the speedskim was pointless... probably was to him....

however he also showed me that is was good to use a feather edge round ceiling lines corners skirting lines etc to get them even better... that for me was replaced by the speedskim...
I got the finishing spatula . Does this do same job. It comes today and we should be going to put a decent size ceiling on this evening . Though slept funny n necks killing me so we.ll sre
Which one? There are so many about but the name suggests it's for finishing and not flattening....... kinda like a s*p*r*lex trowel. Though I have used the SF speedskim to flatten before
f**k it just get one and see. Yeah you can use one trowel start to finish if you like, infact my MT xtralite is by far and away my favourite trowel. But it makes a nice change to do it a different way too. Today the ceiling I was doing got coated, flattened with speedy ST coated again then flattened again with ST, next one was SF speedy (not worn in yet) followed with 1 run with nelaflex 2 then cross trowels with same trowel. Came up as good as can be.

Doesn't look like much but this was where speedykim got me and she just getting better and better (I'm probably also getting better with it)
Nice bit of sand cement floating! Haven't seen that for donkeys years(y)
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Got this and so far done about 5 strokes and gone back to 14 mt . Gonna keep messing with it any pointers welcome .
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Got this and so far done about 5 strokes and gone back to 14 mt . Gonna keep messing with it any pointers welcome .

Yeah keep it for thincoat external base coats!!!

Trust me john your just getting the new member forum fever!!!

Everyone goes through it before remembering plasterings a piece of piss and there's no need to overcomplicate with all these new gizmos & stupid trowels!!!!
Yeah keep it for thincoat external base coats!!!

Trust me john your just getting the new member forum fever!!!

Everyone goes through it before remembering plasterings a piece of piss and there's no need to overcomplicate with all these new gizmos & stupid trowels!!!!
Ye want to buy lol . So it's no good for skimming