S a plastering
Private Member
omfg what u on about
seems a bloody stupid thing to be doing in a 'perfect methods' dvd.. 'not the preffered method'? are you sayin he's using a sponge float as a skimming float?jeda said:have been reading this thread and found the golden trowel sponge float method.what the guy actually says is that it is one method of balancing and blending in the first coat.but not the prefered method.if you actually watch it you will see that he is not wetting the sponge float so is not bringing fats to the surface,he is for all intense and purpose using it as he says to balance out the finish.prior to second coat.so what is the answer you are looking for as he is telling you the reason that its been done.less you have it on mute.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D lmfaomadmonk said:omfg what u on about
totally agree andy, cant beleive this topic is still going on, if you are using a sponge when skimming its because you cant lay it on nice and flat. regarding the deep lines, pressure etc you are spot on mate, i do it the same way keeping it neat, all trowel lines evenly spaced so the whole wall is in uniform. good post that mate and trueessexandy said:To be honest Chris W I very rarely flatten in between coats as I don't leave pronounced enough lines to worry if there is any sort of suction, I know a lot of lads leave deep lines after the first coat but this is only because they have never been taught or learnt to put the pressure on the trowel in the right place at the right time (putting an even pressure over the length of the trowel is bad news). I also tend to take a little longer to lay in than a lot of others making sure all is neat and tidy with no deep lines (lads that work for me often say it looks as if it's already had a first trowel), this way I usually get away with one less trowel, more often than not just two.
A cross grain float is just that a float where the grain of the wood runs across the float rather than along it's length. Don't waste your time Chris, if you really want to give a wooden float a go make one using a piece of flooring grade chipboard, but honestly don't bother.
Nisus said:I put 1st coat on flat no need for flattening
then 2nd coat on flat
no need for 1st trowel
then wet trowel
dry trowel.
Bloke at work puts it on about 5 mm
then flattens all trowel marks out for a while
then second coat goes on thick with trowel marks everywhere
he flattens them out.
But he doesn't stop messing with it from 1st coat to it's last trowel
he will not leave it alone & still ends up with hollows here & there.
I tell him to leave it alone but he can't
I even went to the chippy for us after my 2nd coat went on
come back he was still f u c k i n g about with his ceiling
but everyone has there own way i suppose,
it's all down to experience.
essexandy said:I know we all have our own little ways Nisus but if you buy a product and it says put on 2mm coat why the hell would anyone put it on miles thicker over the whole wall/ceiling other than to get over a certain situation?
simplybesty said:my sponge is used every now and then and i dont really care , if it makes things easyer then why not.
warriorupnorth said:Nowt like rakin up the old post's , must be bored silly ??? ??? ???
Nisus said:warriorupnorth said:Nowt like rakin up the old post's , must be bored silly ??? ??? ???
Nowt like readin raked up old post's, must be bored s h i tless??? ??? ???
sad old skimwarriorupnorth said:My name is Paul..............and i am a computer nerd....................Round off applause .....................wow i feel so much better ::