Sponge floating

Why not just float the wall with a wooden float like the old timers did and bin the sponge. If u want a perfect finish
No ever slagged anyone off for scouring a wall or ceiling with a cross-grain float, can't see why it should be any different with a sponge float if the spread knows how to get the best out of it.
Tried the sponge and couldn’t get the sponge marks completely out. when using sponge do you flatten the final coat sooner than normal and apply the sponge straight away while the wall is still pretty wet? And do you flatten out the sponge marks straight away or wait a bit? Would really appreciate some tips thanks.
Get the two coat on stick a nother wall on have cup of tea. Spunge two up. A tight super flex over the two nother cup of tea final trowel it all about timing spunge or no spunge!!!!!!