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Setting time is always the same give or take with low tempetures,but the spongefloat will speed that process up,remember your not doing just one wall at a time,or are you?
You have to no when to sponge, like anything if you just have a go without any real knowledge of the correct process you will think its a crap method. For years i was the same as some of you. "chancers" "poor finish" etc etc. Then i worked with a lad who showed me the correct process,and you can achieve a first class finish. If your a good spread you can adapt. I still very rarely use a sponge (cant be bothered cleaning it!!) but i can,and i do leave as good a finish. Like i say youve got to know how to use it. Also im liking the 16" plastic trowel more and more!
Whats that trowel like layiton, is there any pics of it,these days you have got to be inovative,while incorporating the traditional methods and knowledge,plastering is one of the few trades that have moved on ,with the exception of spray on machines
Used mine a few times now (16" with sponge)Can take a bit of getting used to, but generally will achieve a good finish. Because its very flexible its not very good at getting in angles or up to something solid like a windowsill,you cant get the pressure. Same applies if using the toe or heel of trowel. Ive found a slight way round this is to flatten down while material is still very wet(so not as much pressure needed). It flattens wet material very well. Spreading with the 16" puts more strain on the wrists but nothing you wont get used to. I think the way it works well is that it flattens quickly and effortlessly because of size and flexibility in blade. Well worth a go for any capable spread. Blade can be easily scratched(being plastic of course) but look after it and you should be fine. Good luck! Refina tools for various different sizes.
Time served without a sponge,reckon you can get more on and finnished in less time with a top class finish,its probably not for everyone ,but you do have to know how to use it to get the beneifit
yeah thats true with knauf one coat always go over with the sponge bob it brings the fat up then u just trowel it up as the norm its a bit like the old style graining with a float on syraphite i think thats correct aint used it since we did moses house thats how old it is wouldnt use it on multi or thistle + u shouldnt need too
a few year back B gyspum went on strike and there was no BG plaster around so i bought a couple of pallets of the French one coat crap.
only way to get a decent finnish was too sponge float it once it had gone off. Have honestly neverused it again since although im 100% it would be helpfull on BG plaster.
You had to use it on the knuaf crap or finishing was impossible.

I cant be arsed to read the rest of the thread cos its been done so many times I could prolly write the entire thread word for word but for my tuppence worth...

This one coat stuff, I struggled my arse off to get a finish on it trying NOT to sponge it...
purely cos I was being churlish...
got the sponge on it coupe of times and the job was sooooooo easy after that...
reason being is one coat is so gritty and sticky, even just wet trowelling doesnt do it... you need to turn the whole top surface to fat and trowel that up, then it behaves like multi or boardy...
fail to sponge it and youll have misses and slacks and lines and pimples, a f'ckin sore arm, bad mood and a shi't wall when finished...

sponge multi and youll prolly end up with a similar decent finish but it'll all be fat..

been said that on coat doesnt take knocks very well... it doesnt, ive caught it a few times with the end of the ladder etc and it dents well easy....
multi will stand a bit more abuse...

maybe its because you dont need to sponge multi etc, so the whole top surface isnt made up of fat, so its stronger...

anyway, im leaving my sponge in france for next year... :RpS_laugh:

or maybe, just maybe, ill go and buy another in england and use one coat on those walls that need a coat of bonding first...
stuff the bonding, i'll just one coat it and put the finish on that, and charge em for a mist coat in white matt while im at it.. :RpS_sneaky:
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