I did think it could be the accelerator ,not using a water butt before i keep thinking it is that ,even though i know i should always use one :RpS_confused:as a test is it possible to spray a first pass with no accelerators to see if it still happens
:RpS_thumbup:Make sure you use 19mm hose no more than 3m long flush air out of water system and make sure you have no water leaks . Unless you have ware on your impeller on the water pump you should not have problems . Give me a call when your using machine so I can here what's happening .
Thanks LesMake sure you use 19mm hose no more than 3m long flush air out of water system and make sure you have no water leaks . Unless you have ware on your impeller on the water pump you should not have problems . Give me a call when your using machine so I can here what's happening .
Got it running thanks Les ,i ordered the cleaning shaft of Gemma and the lad spend a day cleaning it out ,as you had concerns on the build up .Still clogging up ,even running the water at 400 as you told us being chalk . Do about 20m fine ,it just builds up . i spray and rule ,do you think it,s the accelerator drying it out , 3lt to 220 tub ?Keith did you get sorted .
Thanks Les ,i,m prepping out tomorrow ,i will ring you Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the temperaturesUsing a water butt won't cause your build up round the mixing chamber . You will find the lighter the colour of the render you will use more water . The accelerator shouldn't cause you any problems so I have to say something else is causing you a problem . I really don't mind you calling me so I can hear your machine running . Believe it or not I can tell a lot of what's happening by the sound of the machine .
Using a water butt won't cause your build up round the mixing chamber . You will find the lighter the colour of the render you will use more water . The accelerator shouldn't cause you any problems so I have to say something else is causing you a problem . I really don't mind you calling me so I can hear your machine running . Believe it or not I can tell a lot of what's happening by the sound of the machine .
Les wanted pictures of the mixing shaft ,it seemed ok ,but thanks Micky for you help :RpS_thumbup:Maybe a long shot , I had similar problem with putzmeister mp25, I put in a new mixing shaft as the old one was worn and not pushing the material to the r/s fast enough.
I worked fine after that
Ring Les Keith like he says
I rang once and let him talk to my machine on the phone and hey presto, she was up and running after 7 mins