Spraying basecoat


Active Member
I don't normally spray basecoat but had a bash at it today as I was on my own. It was hpx it went thru the machine fine but it wasn't coming out of the gun very well. I tried moving the air backwards and forwards but it didn't change it much. I think I had the gear a bit stiff but what size nozzle should I be using with basecoats? We normally just stick with a 14 for render.

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Yep I think I'll try it again on next job and wet it up a bit more. Thanks

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I don't normally spray basecoat but had a bash at it today as I was on my own. It was hpx it went thru the machine fine but it wasn't coming out of the gun very well. I tried moving the air backwards and forwards but it didn't change it much. I think I had the gear a bit stiff but what size nozzle should I be using with basecoats? We normally just stick with a 14 for render.

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Try it with plastersiser in the water it makes it very nice to use saves wetting it up and making it drippy
Rite iv had a few goes at it and it's definitely better then troweling it on. Iv made it wetter and it's a lot better to spray but how do I get it to spray more of an open fan so it stops slumping down the wall before I get a chance to put a trowel over it. Will a bigger spray cap do this? I'm using a 12mm at the moment with the air set back 12mm

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Thought of using a texture gun? If its only thin then an 8 or 10mm cap.

I have sprayed Kilsaren Super Coat which is a bit like Rend aid. 10mm cap and hold the gun further away from the wall. Wetter than hand apply as well. 60m2 an hour no problem.
We are meshing as we go aswell so that slows us down a bit and it's making more mess then I'd like but it's better then carrying all that shite up the scaffold and it's saving wear and tear on the spreading arms!

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Thought of using a texture gun? If its only thin then an 8 or 10mm cap.

I have sprayed Kilsaren Super Coat which is a bit like Rend aid. 10mm cap and hold the gun further away from the wall. Wetter than hand apply as well. 60m2 an hour no problem.

John is that there super bond render. I have to spray it this week. Do u remember the water settings for the ritmo.
Ok. i guessing you are doing a thin base coat so maybe you could try a slower rotor and stator with an 8mm cap. the slower speed will certainly control the waste and mess and will spread thinner.

If it a total 6mm base coat i would use a d 3-4 6 ltr 8mm cap ( spray a quick light 4mm pass. spread it with a serrated spatula.then bed the mesh in lightly. leave it set and lay a second really tight pass by hand over the lot) if its a reinforced 10-12mm base id use a d 4-3 12 lt 10mm cap ( spray a 6mm pass sames as monocouche in bands .bed mesh in. spray a 2nd coat over this and leave to set before scraping flat.)

that should make a good difference
Awesome thanks for the info. Iv got a slower r n s in the van I'll give it a go. Think it's a 9ltr one.

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We spray our basecoats all the time now
Spray as wet as possibly
1 guy spray and another using a serrated edge behind then drop back and mesh together
Spraying for around a hour can get you 50-60m2 on no problem

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We spray our basecoats all the time now
Spray as wet as possibly
1 guy spray and another using a serrated edge behind then drop back and mesh together
Spraying for around a hour can get you 50-60m2 on no problem

Is that with the Ritmo?

Ordinary gun?

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