spraying nhl lime?

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got a big job coming off soon its down for a nhl 3.5 lime , all internal works just wondered if anybody sprayed nhl limes through the machines , i have a pft ritmo m 110v , and see that k rend do k lime , and parex do a heritage lime products would normaly do it by hand but if the machine could be used then happy days thanks for any feedback stuy
Think Ty marw sell backing coat that can be sprayed but I was told it didn't go very well through rimto look at Eco cork render lovely light to use think it can be sprayed but you can mix backing coat and finish with whisk ,it safes time you don't need to keep misting and lot lighter than lime motar.i live pontypool
Think Ty marw sell backing coat that can be sprayed but I was told it didn't go very well through rimto look at Eco cork render lovely light to use think it can be sprayed but you can mix backing coat and finish with whisk ,it safes time you don't need to keep misting and lot lighter than lime motar.i live pontypool

I am waiting to hear about a job I priced using Eco cork and was hoping to run it through my ritmo.sounds like a good product
Think Ty marw sell backing coat that can be sprayed but I was told it didn't go very well through rimto look at Eco cork render lovely light to use think it can be sprayed but you can mix backing coat and finish with whisk ,it safes time you don't need to keep misting and lot lighter than lime motar.i live pontypool
are you working ap waters?
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