Spraying site mix.

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when you spray a base coat you need to finish the reveals, a plane often breaks the masking, then you need to clean the masking again after spraying a noblo coat so the paint can go in tight. And any dried noblo will flake off the masking and land on fresh paint due to the pressure of the paint sprayer when you do reveals.

At the moment i rip the masking of when i finish texturing and tidy up the reveals etc then before i paint i mask up the frames and use painters caulk to finish the junction where render meets window, spray the paint and remove the masking same day. get a lovely clean line I use a paint shield to protect the rest of the window. If i leave the same masking on for all the applications i need to come back for another day to strip masking and touch up and possibly silicone the frames to hide scruffy junctions.
Fwacking doors are a right pain to mask. you get about 20mm behind the hinges x 4 hinges to try and mask, time u put render on you got even less you end up ripping the masking off in temper.....every time

protectapeel next stop
Come down the demo for a look friday
Im gonna cruise on up to pft len when i get chance to get some top tips in case i been making work of it
They only use noblo type products in Germany now . bucket coats are so last year now . Get with times rich or you will be left behind with s**t loads of odd buckets of top coat
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