Stock up on finish

went to Vauxhall Travis today to get some finish and they had no finish and if you work in South London you will know this is a pretty big travis and loads stop there before going over the bridge into the city so it’s normally a banker for Plaster but the yard bloke said they have had none today and he doesn’t even know when a delivery is coming asked in shop same thing rung a few plasterers I know all said same thing that Travis they use it’s getting really low and also seen a thread on here about it so reckon might be time to stock up on a few bags chaps

Don’t matter to you , you only use half a bag a day , unlike some of the suckers on here :whistle:
I heard from the wife of a fella who's mate works at wickeselco that a disgruntled employee took an enormous dump in the machine because someone told him uni was s**t but he thinks uni is great but they think uni is s**t but he thinks it's great but they think..... big poo

I only get Plaster from Travis as its bit free and expensive and I can afford it I’ve been told in London the multi has gold leaf in it up north they still crushing gypsum by hand and that’s why you get more hard lumps in it
Stock up on finish
Feel knackered after mixing up a big mix today in this time for a lay down I think
Hi all,

To clarify, we recently suffered a mechanical failure on one of the plaster production lines at our Barrow Plant, which resulted in a reduction in production for a period of two weeks. The problem has now been resolved and we are now back to full operation, however we are currently quoting extended lead times on our Plaster products. We are working very hard to reduce these as quickly as possible, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We can also confirm that we have not recalled plaster because they have been put into the incorrect bags, this is false information.

Thank you

Wasn’t hard was it. Well done